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The Politically Correct and the Islamists are Odd Bedfellows

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posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: SickWave

AND! In the Old Testament, people were killed by an angel in one sitting for willfully following a known false prophet such as Smith who led them down the path of illegality.

I didn't know Smith was in the Old

Anything to say about the OP - here's a hint

The Politically Correct and the Islamists are Odd Bedfellows

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Yes and in our travels to the south of Italy we saw and were assured that they took things seriously and took matters into their own hands and solved the problems - illegal immigrants were not welcomed.

I think, at least as far as south of EU goes...maybe it's more than just illegal immigrants. It's also about Islam.

Southern parts of European continent were in direct conflict with Islamic invaders for centuries. I think there is something in the genes of the later generations. An uneasy feeling about Islam. Call it fear if you want.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 06:05 AM
The Louis Smith item was as shameful as we as people can be, the man made a simple joke, a man full of adrenalin with a crowd around made a silly and whimsical joke and then all hell burst out. He was then dragged through the mud and made to grovel like a traitor for what was not even hyper critical is Islam, had he made a direct attack as a joke about Islam I could have seen the reason of a guy in the spotlight to apologise but it was nothing of the sort.

As said the PC brigade aligned to often Radical Islamists do seem very odd bed fellows, the people that were appeased in the Smith affair were mostly the more Radical followers, most ordinary Muslims would have realised it was a perhaps poor taste joke but nothing more, sadly the Radicals will jump on anything to secure the offended vote and the Liberal types will do anything to jump to their support. Although they do seem to share certain notions like the suppression of free speech, the suppression of democracy and the suppression of human rights they differ totally on gender, woman's rights, gay rights and so on yet no matter how much they differ on those the PC brigade still follow these radicals like a lost puppy.

Personally I find the whole Smith thing disgusting, a man's life dragged through the mud over nothing yet the left would say that radicals screaming for the beheading of people is simply a vocal stance or protest and not the hate speech it really is.

We really need to target the right people, lets not tee off on the standard Muslims, lets not tee off on the standard non Muslims, lets look at the extremists on all sides but picking on an athlete to mock and shame is just PC madness.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

OP you're absolutely correct. There is no political motivation for islam and western liberals to get along with each other. Their supposed ideologies are mutually exclusive. Western liberals would be stoned or burned for blasphemy in countries under sharia law. So why are liberals trying to bring it to the West?

It makes perfect sense if you stop looking for political motivations and look for religious ones. This is a war of good versus evil. Christianity against paganism. Whether they want to admit it or not, liberals and islamists are all servants of satan. They all desire to destroy Christianity and wipe all that is good and sacred from the face of the Earth. They might think they are serving their own selfish ends, but that is just the delusion of satan working on their hearts. The goal of satan is to use these pawns to destroy Christianity, and then he won't have any use for the pawns anymore so he will kill them too.

But the forces of satan will not win. God will take direct action to preserve his chosen. We are very close to the events described in Ezekiel 38. The rapture will happen before this.
edit on 7/13/17 by peskyhumans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

I think the progressives just take the stance the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Islam on the victim oppressed hierarchy of progressives gets a lot of progressive points because they're a minority in the west and an enemy of Christians and the west historically. Also they're usually brown. It's all about identity politics

A very strange relationship that won't last

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 09:07 AM
I know why I as a liberal supoort Muslims.

As a liberal and a conspiracy theorist I am absolutely of the opinion that Muslims have been framed for 9/11 and that western nations went insane and destroyed the Middle East. Creating the conditions we see today. The USA is entirely responsible for creating the power vacuum that led to the civil war that has a side that calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria after the 2003 invasion. Without the USA and its allies tearing apart Iraq nothing of this magnitude could have happened.

Even the current President of the United States partially won by stating Bush lied about Iraq on stage at the Republican debates. His desire to kill even more Muslims, and actually doing so, despite saying this type of thing is still strange to me.

The Pandora's Jar of war has been opened however. I don't know if it will ever end now.

My opinion is that Muslims are the most oppressed people on the planet and they do need help. Not more bombs and bullet riddling their bodies over fantasies and fears of terrorism. If that means taking in more refugees then that is what is required. Despite the protestations of conservatives.
edit on 13-7-2017 by Frith because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Frith
I know why I as a liberal supoort Muslims.

As a liberal and a conspiracy theorist I am absolutely of the opinion that Muslims have been framed for 9/11 and that western nations went insane and destroyed the Middle East. Creating the conditions we see today. The USA is entirely responsible for creating the power vacuum that led to the civil war that has a side that calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria after the 2003 invasion. Without the USA and its allies tearing apart Iraq nothing of this magnitude could have happened.

Even the current President of the United States partially won by stating Bush lied about Iraq on stage at the Republican debates. His desire to kill even more Muslims, and actually doing so, despite saying this type of thing is still strange to me.

The Pandora's Jar of war has been opened however. I don't know if it will ever end now.

My opinion is that Muslims are the most oppressed people on the planet and they do need help. Not more bombs and bullet riddling their bodies over fantasies and fears of terrorism. If that means taking in more refugees then that is what is required. Despite the protestations of conservatives.

I'd agree the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake and has contributed to destabilizing the region, however, it wasn't some peaceful region before, it's pretty much been a war torn region for 1400 odd years. A lot of the blame rests with the middle eastern countries themselves, and most muslims killed and attacked in the middle east are killed and attacked by other muslims... The most recent conflict, Yemen, just another in a long line of wars. And muslims are mostly oppressed by Islam and other muslims...
But hey all the west's fault got it. Infact the 'all the west's fault' propaganda is part of the OP.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

How do you figure? You don't understand why the defense of Islam. I explained it from my perspective. You don't want to discuss it?

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Kali74

How do you figure? You don't understand why the defense of Islam. I explained it from my perspective. You don't want to discuss it?

I do.

I could be wrong but it sounds like you're holding different religions to different standards. Though FGM, honor killings, terrorism, the persecution of homosexuals, child brides, the oppression of minorities, apostates, non-believers, etc. are not exclusive to the Islamic faith, they are nonetheless more common and prevalent within that religion at this moment in history.

So my questions are:

Do you not see any difference between fundamentalists of different religions such evangelicals in Christianity, and fundamentalists such as ISIS, Al Shabob, and Boko Haram?

How can you live and let live in the light of the injustices listed above?

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Those terrors are illegal in the West, a reason many Muslims choose to come to the West even before the migration crisis. I don't defend Islamic Theocracy or any Theocracy. What I defend, despite my extreme distaste for it, is the right for any religion to be practiced in the West in any manner individuals or groups choose within our laws.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:00 PM
The PC brigade aren't aligned with Islamists though.

This whole thing is a belief invented by the alt-right.

There is no alliance between progressives and Islamists.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:04 PM
The right consider Islam to be a "political ideology" not a religion and that Islam encourages terrorism. So everytime liberals defend peaceful Muslims they immediately accuse us of defending Islamic terrorism. Basically believing that Islam encourages terrorism is saying that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism.
As I have stated many time I hate Islam so very much but not for the reason the right mentioned. I don't like any religion.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Those terrors are illegal in the West, a reason many Muslims choose to come to the West even before the migration crisis. I don't defend Islamic Theocracy or any Theocracy. What I defend, despite my extreme distaste for it, is the right for any religion to be practiced in the West in any manner individuals or groups choose within our laws.

They are illegal in the West, and for good reason. But the world is bigger than the west, and as I pointed out, Islam is growing at a frightening pace in population as well as influence, while Westerners are having less children, churches are closing as quick as mosques are being built, and western traditions are in steep decline.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

The right consider Islam to be a "political ideology" not a religion and that Islam encourages terrorism. So everytime liberals defend peaceful Muslims they immediately accuse us of defending Islamic terrorism. Basically believing that Islam encourages terrorism is saying that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism.
As I have stated many time I hate Islam so very much but not for the reason the right mentioned. I don't like any religion.

Not all the religions are the same, nor do they act the same. It is a feat of mental gymnastics to dislike any religion when one is clearly more oppressive, tyrannical and theocratic than the rest.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: Deaf Alien

The right consider Islam to be a "political ideology" not a religion and that Islam encourages terrorism. So everytime liberals defend peaceful Muslims they immediately accuse us of defending Islamic terrorism. Basically believing that Islam encourages terrorism is saying that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism.
As I have stated many time I hate Islam so very much but not for the reason the right mentioned. I don't like any religion.

Not all the religions are the same, nor do they act the same. It is a feat of mental gymnastics to dislike any religion when one is clearly more oppressive, tyrannical and theocratic than the rest.

You proved my point. Nobody is denying the danger of radical Islamic terrorism. And religions breed terrorism. Have always been throughout history. This Islamic terrorism is a new phenomenon.
Like someone said the Muslims coming in the USA do so because they want to escape terrorism!!! Those people we try to defend because we have heart.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

You proved my point. Nobody is denying the danger of radical Islamic terrorism. And religions breed terrorism. Have always been throughout history. This Islamic terrorism is a new phenomenon.

Like someone said the Muslims coming in the USA do so because they want to escape terrorism!!! Those people we try to defend because we have heart.

I'm not talking about the USA. The religion is worldwide.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: Deaf Alien

You proved my point. Nobody is denying the danger of radical Islamic terrorism. And religions breed terrorism. Have always been throughout history. This Islamic terrorism is a new phenomenon.

Like someone said the Muslims coming in the USA do so because they want to escape terrorism!!! Those people we try to defend because we have heart.

I'm not talking about the USA. The religion is worldwide.

I know. You are talking about the Middle East which is full of radical Islamic terrorists (and few other countries as well).

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

I know. You are talking about the Middle East which is full of radical Islamic terrorists (and few other countries as well).

I'm speaking about the religion of Islam, which is worldwide. If you haven't noticed, Islamists terrorist attacks have happened in your country. The 9/11 terrorists, for example, didn't go there to escape terrorism, but to commit it.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: Deaf Alien

I know. You are talking about the Middle East which is full of radical Islamic terrorists (and few other countries as well).

I'm speaking about the religion of Islam, which is worldwide. If you haven't noticed, Islamists terrorist attacks have happened in your country. The 9/11 terrorists, for example, didn't go there to escape terrorism, but to commit it.

That was the Saudis.
And you continue to prove my point about the right considering Islam to be the religion of violence and terrorism. That is the very reason why you accuse the left of being "Islam apologist".
BTW we've had acts of terrorism from our own people.

posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

That was the Saudis.
And you continue to prove my point about the right considering Islam to be the religion of violence and terrorism. That is the very reason why you accuse the left of being "Islam apologist".
BTW we've had acts of terrorism from our own people.

it was Al Queada.

No, I and other critics are simply pointing out a growing trend of totalitarianism, violence, theocracy, and other oppression that contain a thread of commonality: a certain religion. You continue to prove my point about Islamist apologism. You cannot even bring yourself to talk about Islamic terrorism without mentioning other religions, or without deflecting to "the right".

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