posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 09:41 AM
Today I hope to finish beating pi. it is an evil concept of random numbers. to defeat pi one must seek the repeating numbers, the dimention
correlations between 0,1,2,3 and all other not prime numbers and the evils of the number therories taught by the unitellegent teachers in schools.
space is a square not a cirlce and I'll prove that this concept is better. power is the x not the + in the cross of dimentions. If you don't
believe me look at the rate that computers use 8, 16, 32 ,64 ,128 ,256 ,512 ,1024. Make that zeros behind the 1 and you get the the rate beyond
exponent. Draw circles inside each other in microsoft paint and you will see that this logic agrees with the x inside the cirlce instead of the +.
They know that I know that you know soo AHHHH.
Ohh yeah my college english teacher was a linguistic genius with weird mess with your head attitude. He like to draw weird letter structures on the
board. I mean if you been teaching english for so long and you can write straight or wierd and you demenstrate this are you trying to convey some
hidden message? Like the introduction of the schools higher staff behing a hypnotist,lingusist, retards. break the word down hyp-not-ist what the
hell does word roots have to do with what I'm saying to my friend about the evils of pie. I read the board and this is what happens to a normal
person after they go to college you become more in-sane in-wordly sane HAAAHA.
I think that alot of that ignorance is taught today is repeatious. How many times did I learn the same materials over and over agian? No on will
ever know but they should have taught the repetition of numbers instead. That takes a lot more time to explain and gives you a much better
understanding of mathematics and the world around you than history. Which is filled with inaccraces just like all other classes based on theroies
instead of the truth. Why cannot someone realize that telling the truth works alot better than lieing/theories. I know the truth, knowledge is the
unifed field proof, wisdom is the understanding of how to use it without hurting people/ oppertunity counts as hurt because eventually it will happen.