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Modern Luciferianism, Its ideology and Goals

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posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

I find it mind boggling that people actually believe in the fairy tale Devil in this day and age.

The Devil's greatest trick was getting you to think he is real, that's the true conspiracy.

Not at all. The devil greatest trick is to vanish from plain sight, hence society's obsessions with illusionism, movies, fakery, trickery, unreality... all are minions spawned by his laughing majesty... "The Transcendent Intellect"

I forgot to write it in the OP, so you get the honor to be in reply to your post:

Lucifer is light, the light of God, the binary Illusion of reality. Archangel Gabriel. Achilles, glorious and proud. The same light that shines from the heart of every star(like the sun). This is the image of Gods omnipotence, the fallen angel. Fallen because this is the fate of the universe - as the Aztec knew, some Gods MUST sacrifice themselves in order for life to exist. But part of Lucifer rebelled against the will of God, the same way Tolkien's character Mellekor rebels against Illuvatar and "starts to write his own symphonies". He transcendted his own role. That is what the TRASCENDENT Lucifer(who is different than the REAL Lucifer) is doing through his mediator(human intellect) at the moment on this planet. He wants to be equal to God himself, but that is ultimately impossible and could only lead to dystopic addictions and closed reality loops, with his human puppet slaves(Orc) following his fate.

Hinduism has the best allegory: Whenever evil gets the rule over the land, at the last day of agony, Vishnu comes and returns the balance by his flaming sword...

Masons, more than anyone should be on 100% clear with this things. Either you are playing a fool for unknown reason, or freemasonry these days is as good as gipsy donkey trade market...

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
The devil greatest trick is to vanish from plain sight, hence society's obsessions with illusionism, movies, fakery, trickery, unreality... all are minions spawned by his laughing majesty... "The Transcendent Intellect" .

That only holds true for people who happen to ascribe to the Christian myth that is Satan. Happily, I don't.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:56 AM
Scarlett Johansson is ALSO a robot.


edit on 11-7-2017 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

You're so devilish.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Argentbenign

You do realize that in every degree of freemasonry oaths to secrecy are taken.

Apply that to your last paragraph.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

You believe in the Star Wars force and are talking down to those who believe in the devil.

That butta was to hard, must have knocked your head and disorientated yourself

Not much intelectual gigantism if you can't work that out

Not so arrogant anymore? Hypocrisy,definition, could help

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Argentbenign
The devil greatest trick is to vanish from plain sight, hence society's obsessions with illusionism, movies, fakery, trickery, unreality... all are minions spawned by his laughing majesty... "The Transcendent Intellect" .
That only holds true for people who happen to ascribe to the Christian myth that is Satan. Happily, I don't.

Neither do I. I only acknowledge what is true in my opinion. Christian or not is more or less irrelevant.
edit on 11-7-2017 by Argentbenign because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
a reply to: Argentbenign

You do realize that in every degree of freemasonry oaths to secrecy are taken.

Apply that to your last paragraph.

In my culture when a man takes an oath of silence, he would just skip the topic of the oath related things, instead of saying half-words, because he protects the oath he gave. Thus disrespecting in turn the listener. Referring to Augustus, not you.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 11:31 AM
without Lucifer we were still walking in the darkness....
if you see the light..? lucifer is near !

edit on 11-7-2017 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:01 PM
Lucy is also the first named human!

I am still not seeing the connection but I am looking forward to watching this movie now!

Eye see the light!

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
You believe in the Star Wars force and are talking down to those who believe in the devil.

You still seem to be very, very confused. But then again, most Lucifer-believers are.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101
I find it difficult to pronounce Luciferianism, could we find a simpler term
How about Lucyism

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
Neither do I. I only acknowledge what is true in my opinion. Christian or not is more or less irrelevant.

So why are you telling people to be mindful of the actions of something you don't believe in?

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed
You do realize that in every degree of freemasonry oaths to secrecy are taken.

Actually, that is only in the three degrees of the Blue Lodge and only for rather specific circumstances.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Scarlett Johansson is ALSO a robot.

Is It a sex ... bot

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Khenubal

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Scarlett Johansson is ALSO a robot.

Is It a sex ... bot

Here's her creator.
You decide.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Argentbenign
Neither do I. I only acknowledge what is true in my opinion. Christian or not is more or less irrelevant.

So why are you telling people to be mindful of the actions of something you don't believe in?

It's not about believe in any religion or not. I'm concerned with facts. Freemasonary view of religions should be neutral such as mine, so I am rather surprised you ask me that question. It shows you put me in some box where I do not belong. Small detail however...

The talk here is about the movie and what it represents. I don't tell people what to think about it, I just offer a conspiratory view and thought provoking idea for your/their mind. ZI let people make their opinions themselves. That's why we are on public forum. That's why I am welcoming critics, and responding respectfully. If you come to the local pub and it happens we raise such topic... then maybe you'll ser how I "Tell" people things... after some whisky...

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Argentbenign
It's not about believe in any religion or not.

Belief in Lucifer is not about a specific belief in religion, though the failing is predominantly among Christians, it is a fundamental misunderstanding of what an ancient literary source said and how that was translated centuries later.

I'm concerned with facts.

Me too, and the fact is that Lucifer as Satan is a mistranslation.

Freemasonary view of religions should be neutral such as mine, so I am rather surprised you ask me that question. It shows you put me in some box where I do not belong. Small detail however...

I don't care about your religion.

The talk here is about the movie and what it represents. I don't tell people what to think about it, I just offer a conspiratory view and thought provoking idea for your/their mind. ZI let people make their opinions themselves. That's why we are on public forum. That's why I am welcoming critics, and responding respectfully. If you come to the local pub and it happens we raise such topic... then maybe you'll ser how I "Tell" people things... after some whisky...

So again, you're telling people to be concerned about something you don't believe in? Why not author a cautionary thread about the Tooth Fairy?

edit on 11-7-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: I ♥ cheese pizza.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 03:01 PM
Thought this may help.
FTR: Professor Pagels (quoted and referenced below) is also a Catholic scholar held in extremely high regard, even among her critics.
I'm also reasonably certain the scholar from Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati (also referenced) is a personal acquaintance...and a man of impeccable credentials and vast historical knowledge.

Lucifer never fell from anywhere. This term is used only once in the Bible and it is in reference to a Babylonian king.

There was no "fall". This is a misnomer.

John J. Robinson A Pilgrim's Path, pp. 47-48: "Lucifer makes his appearance in the fourteenth chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah, at the twelfth verse, and nowhere else: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

The first problem is that Lucifer is a Latin name. So how did it find its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written before there was a Roman language? To find the answer, I consulted a scholar at the library of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati.

What Hebrew name, I asked, was Satan given in this chapter of Isaiah, which describes the angel who fell to become the ruler of hell? The answer was a surprise.

In the original Hebrew text, the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah is not about a fallen angel, but about a fallen Babylonian king, who during his lifetime had persecuted the children of Israel. It contains no mention of Satan, either by name or reference.

The Hebrew scholar could only speculate that some early Christian scribes, writing in the Latin tongue used by the Church, had decided for themselves that they wanted the story to be about a fallen angel, a creature not even mentioned in the original Hebrew text, and to whom they gave the name "Lucifer."

Why Lucifer?
In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star (the star we now know by another Roman name, Venus). The morning star appears in the heavens just before dawn, heralding the rising sun.

The name derives from the Latin term lucem ferre, bringer, or bearer, of light."

In the Hebrew text the expression used to describe the Babylonian king before his death is Helal, son of Shahar, which can best be translated as "Day star, son of the Dawn."

The name evokes the golden glitter of a proud king's dress and court (much as his personal splendor earned for King Louis XIV of France the appellation, "The Sun King").

The scholars authorized by ... King James I to translate the Bible into current English did not use the original Hebrew texts, but used versions translated ... largely by St. Jerome in the fourth century.

Jerome had mistranslated the Hebraic metaphor, "Day star, son of the Dawn," as "Lucifer," and over the centuries a metamorphosis took place.

Lucifer the morning star became a disobedient angel, cast out of heaven to rule eternally in hell. Theologians, writers, and poets interwove the myth with the doctrine of the Fall, and in Christian tradition Lucifer is now the same as Satan, the Devil, and--ironically--the Prince of Darkness.

So "Lucifer" is nothing more than an ancient Latin name for the morning star, the bringer of light. That can be confusing for Christians who identify Christ himself as the morning star, a term used as a central theme in many Christian sermons.

Here’s a brief synopsis of The Origins of Satan by Professor Elaine Pagels (Princeton University): “Pagels charts the evolution of the Jewish and Christian concept of evil from Old Testament times to the present day (although the majority of the book deals with the New Testament era).

She explains how ' Satan ' didn't always refer to an evil being but was initially used to represent an obstacle. After that meaning, it evolved into a meaning which was used to unify your group against your enemies/adversaries or 'satan'.

The Jews still don't, nor did they ever, believe in or create the Satan/Devil being/creature/character of Christian lore.

It wasn't until New Testament times and later that the concept of an evil being who is actually called 'Satan' or the 'Devil' or ' Lucifer ' evolved.

It is interesting to see how these concepts have continued to persist throughout religious and political history with groups stigmatizing others not in their group (whether it be religious, political, racial, etc.) as being 'of the devil'.

Dictatorships and other authoritarian organizations always need an external enemy to bind their followers together.”

--The Origins of Satan

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT


The ancient understanding is the essential one, both of Satan and Lucifer. However things changed throughout history... By the way that's why I pointed at the word "Modern" in the headline.
And just to mention for the few ones who might be still wondering, Lucifer and Satan are indeed only far cousins, nothing like the same thing...

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