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Is “Apocalypse” happening as Part of Ancient Alien research project with MJ-12?

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posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:03 AM
The truth according to the mainstream media has been as absurd as the Conspiracy Theories that they routinely ridicule; and even if some of the most far-fetched Conspiracy Theories can't possibly be true and there haven't been aliens visiting the planet for thousands of years the most credible sources of news have been on alternative media outlet that get much less attention than the mainstream media. If there are no visiting aliens there is still credible evidence that Pharmaceutical companies and Monsanto are using the public for research on a massive scale and good researches like Harriet Washington, a Harvard Professor and Marcia Angell former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine have done very good work on this subject.

However they don't explain many major unsolved mysteries like how massive megaliths were moved in ancient times, an enormous number of UFO sightings, mystics like Padre Pio, Edgar Cayce, Nikola Tesla and at least a dozen more.

Many of you are almost certainly familiar with Philip Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" Where he claims that he shared alien technology with multinational corporations including Dow Chemical and Monsanto. If this is partially true then this has to be huge and it almost certainly goes much farther than the amount of technology discussed in his book. This might means that research into medical advances disclosed by credible sources like Washington and Angell that don't discuss UFOs or other Conspiracy Theories they might consider "fringe" may be partially based on assistance from alien technology. If the aliens made a deal of some sort with the political establishment whether it is MJ-12 or some other organization with influence in multinational corporations and the most powerful government's in the world then it could explain why the government isn't responding to the will of the people and why they're not even trying to do a good job pretending to.

I'm trying to be a rational skeptic about this; however that doesn't mean, ignoring facts that I can't explain and the behavior of the government is increasingly absurd and in many cases it is obviously staged, like the irrational claims about Russia being the ones rigging the election. It is obvious that the consolidated corporate media has only been covering selective candidates for us to chose from and by simply refusing to cover candidates they don't approve of they can rule out grass roots candidates by preventing them from getting any name recognition.

If Russia had anything to do with rigging the election they couldn't do it without an enormous amount of help from the mainstream media that gave Trump obsessive coverage for decades and increased it during the campaign! at the same time they refused to cover rational candidates and many of the most important issues.

If this election was rigged, which it almost certainly was, it was rigged by the MSM the RNC and the DNC; Russia is being used as a scapegoat with little or no involvement. If they did participate it is only enough to take the blame.

I have done a series of articles on this theory which is more complex, or at least some of the details are including one about a Conspiracy Theory before the election or the Al Smith dinner that mentioned an "Apocalypse Hypothesis" which should be considered absurd; however it was first considered in 2008 by other people when Hillary Clinton didn't resemble "The Whore of Babylon" at all, in my opinion. By the time I wrote the article below she had many more characteristics of the "Whore of Babylon." I'm still trying to be a rational skeptic about this, but this is increasingly looking like an insane charade and it isn't the fear-mongering that most people might expect out of an end of the world "Apocalypse," Instead it looks like a bad joke where everyone is acting like clowns and enormous problems, fake and real, are treated like a joke.

After I wrote this article, Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy the Al Smith dinner made both Hillary and Trump look even more corrupt and rotten then when Trump won it resembled a claim in the Apocalypse where the "Beast" beats the "Whore of Babylon." This is followed up by a couple more recent articles about Big Pharma and Monsanto using us as research subjects. The first one is Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery? doesn't consider aliens sharing technology at all and just considers the greed motive presented by Washington and Angell. The second one, Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology? follows up on this one considering the possibility that the technology developed might have some connection to technology gained from aliens as claimed by Corso and numerous other alleged whistle blowers. These also include additional links to other articles including some theorizing about why there are so many obvious blunders from both believers and skeptics in what I called a "Recruit a Group of Crackpots" Hypothesis in a previous ATS string. They're essentially leaking reliable information mixed with unreliable information so it doesn't seem credible.

This forum no longer seems to allow long excerpts or even medium sized excerpts, which might be just as well since these are relatively long articles and I wouldn't want to put to many there in the first place. It would be better to read the whole thing assuming you have time and take it seriously but I'll include a couple of the most important excepts in responses shortly after posting this string, for those who don't have time to read the whole thing.

The explanation provided by Washington and Angell would be a good fall back theory, far better than the traditional explanation by mainstream media but they're limited to their own field and don't explain many unsolved mysteries including the insane political activity that contributes to outrageous behavior by executives of Pharmaceutical companies.
edit on 10-7-2017 by zacherystaylor because: typos

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:12 AM
This is an excerpt from the first of three articles cited, "Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy"

If there wasn't any conspiracy by the media and major political parties is there any way that the public would have chosen the two most disliked candidates in history, assuming they actually did choose these two?

If the media provided coverage for all candidates including ones running from the grassroots would the majority of the public even consider these two clowns?

The Mass Media, which is controlled by a fraction of one percent of the population, routinely rigs elections by simply refusing to cover grassroots candidates while giving obsession coverage to those that cater to the interests of corporate donors. For all practical purposes, they made it a requirement that candidates collect an enormous amount of money from corporations before the media will call them viable and provide them coverage.

They discuss how they make decisions about coverage behind closed doors and don't let people know how large portions of the electoral system work. That fits the definition of a conspiracy!!


Amazingly, intentionally or not, Hillary Clinton, her advisors and the political establishment may have taken actions to make one of the more farfetched conspiracy theories seem real. Religious extremists that call themselves "Fundamentalists" even though they don't start with fundamentals or get them right, have been calling her the “Whore of Babylon” for years if not decades, including this Yahoo discussion from 2007 Could Hillary Clinton become the “Whore of Babylon”? The case he makes would almost certainly not seem rational to most moderate religious or secular people, especially when it was written. But it should be enough to let the establishment know that they shouldn't try to make this absurd case against her seem to have some degree of legitimacy.

A close look at Revelations Chapters 17 and 18 which that discussion recommends probably wouldn't have fit Hillary Clinton's record without a large stretch of the imagination which only religious extremists might be inclined to do.

After her outrageous record as Secretary of State, however it might not seem quite so obviously absurd to some moderate religious or even some secular people, although it still has problems, some of which I'll get to. Even if, as Hillary Clinton supporters must believe, this claim is absurd it is hard to imaging they would want to create more similarities with her and any figure from the book of revelations, yet that might be what they did on the night that she allegedly won the California and New Jersey primaries giving her the delegates that she needed to declare herself the presumptive nominee.

When she made her speech she was dressed in white and they created light effects that seemed to give her an Angelic glow that made her look spectacular; but it was too much and obvious hype too anyone with a minimum amount of familiarity with these types of special effects. However hyping politics and everything else has become standard operating procedure; but this clip, which they played repeatedly in the days after it was more obvious than most.

This clip looked strikingly like Revelations 19;8 "His bride is ready, and she has been able to dress herself in dazzling white linen, because her linen is made of the good deeds of the saints." This seems trivial and if it was the only similarity with Revelations it would be irrelevant, especially since this is actually referring to the bride of the "Lamb" which some people might interpret as Christ, not the Whore of Babylon; however, the "Lamb" is also involved in a lot of violence to defeat those portrayed as evil, using same tactics as the evil ones, and there are a lot of other similarities to the Whore of Babylon as described in Revelations which became much stronger as indicated in the following verses:

17;1 One of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came to speak to me, and said, 'Come here and I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute who is enthroned beside abundant waters,

5 on her forehead was written a name, a cryptic name: 'Babylon the Great, the mother of all the prostitutes and all the filthy practices on the earth.'

6 I saw that she was drunk, drunk with the blood of the saints, and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus; and when I saw her, I was completely mystified.

16 But the ten horns and the beast will turn against the prostitute, and tear off her clothes and leave her stark naked; then they will eat her flesh and burn the remains in the fire.

17 In fact, God has influenced their minds to do what he intends, to agree together to put their royal powers at the beast's disposal until the time when God's words shall be fulfilled.


Edit 11/10/2016: Since I first posted this plenty of additional evidence has come out confirming that the Democratic Party has been rigging the coverage in collusion with the media and even some more farfetched evidence indicating there are more similarities with the Book of Revelations have come out, although these haven't explained all the flaws; but there are more similarities than a rational skeptic might expect. .... Yes Virginia There Is A Trump And Clinton Conspiracy Complete article

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:19 AM
This is an excerpt from the second, "Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery?" which focuses on academic work that is well research and doesn't rely on anything many might consider "fringe."

Harriet Washington previously wrote Medical Apartheid where she reviewed the history of using African Americans for medical research going back to when slavery was still legal; she has followed this up with Deadly Monopolies which exposes how big pharmaceutical companies are finding more sophisticated ways to use people without their consent in the most extreme cases this leads to what she calls investigative servitude, which essentially means slavery for research purposes.
She's demonstrated that the vast majority of the benefits from drug research goes to a small percentage of people with political connections and in at least a couple cases the innovators that they're supposed to protect have actually been charged with theft of the technology they helped develop by powerful institutions that control the patents.

Harriet Washington traces the decline of the legal system to the "Bayh-Dole Act," which was one of the laws that enabled private corporations to profit from research financed by the government as she describes in the following excerpt:

As a result, American technological innovation was stifled, according to Senator Birch Bayh, an Indiana Democrat, who complained that the vast majority of twenty-eight thousand patented discoveries made in universities with $30 billion dollars in taxpayers’ dollars were “lying there, collecting dust”: only 5 percent of these patented items were being developed into commercial products with public utility. Kansas Republican Bob Dole agreed, and together in 1980 they sponsored the Government Patent Policy Act of 1980, commonly known as the Bayh-Dole Act, to foster the commercialization of inventions based on university-held patents financed by government grants.

Not everyone approved of this proposed marriage of academia and industry. Dissenters including the influential Admiral Hyman Rickover, “Father of the Nuclear Navy,” who voiced his unambiguous, strident, and frequent objections on the grounds that corporate ownership of university innovation would spawn ungovernable monopolies: “In my opinion, government contractors – including small businesses and universities – should not be given title to inventions developed at government expense. That is the gist of my testimony. These inventions are paid for by the public and therefore should be available for any citizen to use or not use as he sees fit.”

The powerful Senator Russell Long of Louisiana, a Democrat, agreed. On September 24, he proclaimed to Congress, “I am adamantly opposed to the House Bill. I urge you to join with me in taking what ever steps are necessary to prevent this monopolistic provision from being included in the final form of any patent policy legislation.” In private, he railed to Bayh’s staff that “this is the worst bill I have seen in my life.” The Carter administration agreed, Congress was convinced, and the Bayh-Dole bill dies in the regular sessions of the Ninety-sixth Congress.

By December, however, Jimmy Carter was a lame duck, and when Congress was briefly revived for a necessary budget session, Bayh wanted the bill slipped in for another vote and another chance at passage. But Bayh had lost the election, too, and so wielded even less political clout than earlier. Long had the power to withhold the bill from consideration during the budgetary session.

However, good ol’ boy sentiment trumped congressional fears of renegade monopolies. Russell Long, in a farewell act of respect for the departing Bayh called him to say, “Birch, take that patent bill, you’re entitled to it. You’ve earned it.” Long released the bill for consideration and withdrew his opposition; following his lead, so did other representatives.

Thus Bayh-Dole became law on December 12, in the last hour of the last congressional session during the waning days of 1980, reversing more than three decades of public policy that reserved to universities the sole right to own inventions that resulted from federally funded research.

Moreover, not only could colleges now sell and license the patents developed with taxpayers’ dollars to private companies, they could do so without publicly disclosing the deals. .... Harriet Washington "Deadly Monopolies" 2011 p.40-1

There is much more to this one, like the others; however since it is the best researched without going into sources considered "fringe" that are often mixed with lots of disinformation it may be the most important one.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:28 AM
This is an excerpt from the third, "Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?" which attempts to provide a more thorough explanation for the unsolved mysteries as well as the more reliable research; however since there isn't enough reliable research from people that are actually trying to do a good job and good peer review it involves more speculation and theory that needs confirmation.

In my previous article Deadly Monopolies and Medical Slavery? I reviewed Harriet Washington's new book "Deadly Monopolies" which was a follow up on her previous book "Medical Apartheid;" both of which were very well researched. She did an excellent job researching unethical research, primarily on African American's, in her first book and in "Deadly Monopolies," exposed how Big Pharmaceutical companies have been acting in secret, in many cases, to use unsuspecting people for research, and that the vast majority of the benefits wasn't going to the public at all, as their advertisements often claim, but their wealthiest investors, that often profit by using research developed mostly with tax payer dollars, or in some cases with the help of natives that shared their knowledge with pharmaceutical companies who didn't give them credit for their contributions.

However, as I explained at the end of that article she describes an environment of deception and secrecy that should have made it difficult if not impossible to develop massive advances in technology that has been established over the past several decades, not only in the medical field, but in other scientific fields as well including computer technology, space exploration, robotics, clones, nanotechnology, developing Genetically modified organisms, and many other fields. In most of these other scientific fields there is probably also a massive amount of secrecy about how their inventions are developed. If this was developed, naturally, as most traditional researchers claim then it should have been much more likely, if they exchanged information freely so that researchers could benefit from each others work, yet research from Harriet Washington and many other investigators clearly indicates that this isn't the case.

About twenty years ago Philip Corso wrote "The Day After Roswell," which, although the quality of the research wasn't nearly as good, claimed that there really was an alien spacecraft of some sort that crashed between Roswell and Corona New Mexico; and that he was assigned to share some of the technology that was retrieved from that crash with many multinational corporations so that they could reverse engineer it and recreate it.

This was a best seller at the time; but most people have forgotten about it, and haven't considered the full implications of this, if partly true. If it isn't true then there must be a massive effort to fake this and an enormous amount of other research into UFOs. People who don't keep track of this can easily dismiss it without scrutiny, especially since there really are a lot of blunders to it; however those that look close enough at the details might realize that if it isn't true, it can't just be a handful of fringe believers, especially since the witnesses for portions of these far-fetched conspiracy theories include many high ranking officials including astronauts members of the military and even President Jimmy Carter.

A good UFO researcher has to be a rational skeptic.

A good rational skeptic won't rush to conclusions; but after careful consideration will follow the evidence wherever it leads even if it challenges existing beliefs, assuming there is adequate evidence to draw conclusions.

I have discussed this in numerous past articles including my most recent one Is Stanton Friedman working for the CIA to refute reverse engineering claims? and more listed below. As I've said in the past I don't recommend that people rush to conclusions without adequate evidence but my previous article 107 Wonders of the Ancient World explains that even if there isn't adequate evidence to fully explain these unsolved mysteries there is evidence to prove that the current explanation adopted by mainstream academics about how massive megaliths were moved with ancient technology can't be true. Ancient civilizations moved megaliths over seven hundred tons long distances, yet experiments to replicate this effort started cheating with megaliths between ten and forty tons and didn't even try to go higher.

This is overwhelming evidence of a major unsolved mystery that challenges many of the so-called scientific claims about the development of many major civilizations, even if it doesn't prove many of the most far-fetched theories, especially those presented with an enormous amount of flaws on shows like Ancient Aliens. However, just because most of the claims made by high profile Ancient Aliens theorists like Giorgio Tsoukalos, who does a terrible job fact checking, doesn't completely rule out the possibility that there's an unknown advanced intelligence of some sort that has influenced our civilization and has been responsible for UFO sightings as well. I'm not aware of any evidence quite as solid as the ancient megaliths of this possibility; however there is plenty more evidence of major unsolved mysteries that might also include a history of UFO reports and Alleged Prophets and Mystics.

A close look into the most credible claims of either UFOs or prophets and mystics almost always turns up major flaws from both the most adamant believers and skeptics; however there often seems to be some degree of evidence that there is a major unsolved mystery which neither side can fully explain. If nothing else there is a major unsolved sociology or psychology mystery explaining why so many people come to such absurd beliefs and the skeptics can't or won't come up with a rational explanation for a lot of it.

Whether it is the subject of UFOs, medical research, or any other subject the mainstream media practically never explains the most basic scientific principles, when it comes to sorting out different claims. Instead they almost always break up into two views, both with major flaws and argue back and forth while neither side corrects their own mistakes when they're pointed out. The mainstream media also ignores the most credible researchers on any given subject and gives an enormous amount of coverage to those that support different beliefs within a narrow view that doesn't challenge the dominant ideology promoted by a small fraction of the public.

Nor do they remind the majority of the public about the basic scientific principles taught at good grammar schools to sort out the best theories or other fundamental scientific principles. I can't rule out the possibility that this is because it would enable many children to recognize the propaganda provided by the media and the political establishment. "Deadly Monopolies With Alien Technology?" Complete article

There are a lot more details including past articles some of which I have partially cross posted here at ATS in the past, although most of you probably don't remember.

Let me know what you think even if you think I'm nuts. I don't bite troll bait for what it's worth.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:51 AM
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

It's not just GMOs but lots of other technology including computer technology, clones, military and much more. & combined with other major unsolved mysteries there is something big going on.

However without a competent media or academic discussion it is buried in senseless crap that is easy to recognize as flawed effectively preventing credible disclosure, even if partial unreliable disclosure is already happening.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 12:46 PM
I can tell you this, a few secret societies have perfected the process of inducing parapsychological abilities through alchemy/chemistry, blood transmutations, celibacy, fasting, prayer and invocation. In the Scottish Rite, we are in the year 5777. Last year, 5776 marked an end to the "Year of Beginnings."

The Great Pyramid is exactly 5776 inches from it's base to the top of it's pyramidion. 2009 symbolized the height of the Great Pyramid without the capstone. 2012 represents halfway from that point and the peak. Half of 5776 is 2888 which stands for "Kingdom of Heaven" in gematria. Divide that by 3 and you get 962.66, the exact year that Solomon dedicated his first temple.

CERN supposedly had a small window of time to open a gateway based on the positions of specific heavenly bodies and the energy they emit, but I'm still unsure of a few things. The gateway was either to invite and allow spirits to pass through or for human illuminates to transcend to the next level of the spirit's evolution.

All I know is Rosh Hashanah is going to kick off something BIG.

Sept. 22/23

On this date, the sun will be in the constellation Virgo (the virgin), along with the moon near Virgo’s feet. Additionally, Jupiter will be in Virgo, while the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury will be above and to the right of Virgo in the constellation Leo. Some people claim that this is a very rare event (allegedly only once in 7,000 years) and that it supposedly is a fulfillment of a sign in Revelation 12.

Revelation 12:1–2 (ESV) reads:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.

Awesome song, by the way.

We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11.

Put your swimmies on.

edit on 10-7-2017 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

I can tell you this, a few secret societies have perfected the process of inducing parapsychological abilities through alchemy/chemistry, blood transmutations, celibacy, fasting, prayer and invocation.

Name these societies.
Name the process they have perfected.

All I know is Rosh Hashanah is going to kick off something BIG.

Exactly what ?
Prove it here and now.

You have made some big claims.
It's time to put up provable facts not BS claims.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: zacherystaylor
a reply to: SeaWorthy

It's not just GMOs but lots of other technology including computer technology, clones, military and much more. & combined with other major unsolved mysteries there is something big going on.

However without a competent media or academic discussion it is buried in senseless crap that is easy to recognize as flawed effectively preventing credible disclosure, even if partial unreliable disclosure is already happening.

What makes you think that simple human ingenuity and imagination could not create all this?
Why does it have to be aliens?

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

That emergency is the 7+billion humans on earth and a need to feed them all. That is why gmo food was invented .
To feed hungry people for cheap.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

That emergency is the 7+billion humans on earth and a need to feed them all. That is why gmo food was invented .
To feed hungry people for cheap.

Surely there would have been time for testing, as it is they have poisoned people with the feed meant for animals. If it poisons people than animals eat it and you eat them or their milk it is still the same.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

There is testing and thus far no reason to believe otherwise..

Where the stuff that look shady comes in is when there is a mistake and they try to cover it up.

Then the conspiracy crowd latches on to any anomalies and ties it the entire industry rather than the actual culprit.

Always follow the money..

If something is profitable, then there is a reason to lie cheat and steal.. but a lot of conspiracies don't go back to "X" corporation tried to get Rich at the expense of the community..."

That happens all the time..

No the conspiracy crowd goes all illuminate/satanic cults who want to kill off 50% of the population..

There is no profit in purposefully causeing such broad scale things..

The profit comes in covering up blunders.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

That emergency is the 7+billion humans on earth and a need to feed them all. That is why gmo food was invented .
To feed hungry people for cheap.

Surely there would have been time for testing, as it is they have poisoned people with the feed meant for animals. If it poisons people than animals eat it and you eat them or their milk it is still the same.

There was years of testing done you just don't know anything about it. Do you have proof that gmos have poisoned people?

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

That emergency is the 7+billion humans on earth and a need to feed them all. That is why gmo food was invented .
To feed hungry people for cheap.

Surely there would have been time for testing, as it is they have poisoned people with the feed meant for animals. If it poisons people than animals eat it and you eat them or their milk it is still the same.

There was years of testing done you just don't know anything about it. Do you have proof that gmos have poisoned people?

You know if I believed for a second you had any real interest knowing I would do the research and bring it all back up. But I don't, it is pretty clear some people have no interest in how much our source of life has been messed with.
You could read Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith and Seeds of Destruction by F Wiliam Engdahl

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
The sudden and total advancement of GMO foods around the world should tell everyone there is a complete control by some group over the whole. There is a reason why even those who fight against the GMO foods turn around. WHAT could cause a need for constructed food to be implemented in such a sudden manor? There is so much in this one answer. Why the need what is going to happen to the world so that caution and long-term study are skipped and it is covering the planet in just a short time?

If you pay attention to what futurists like Ray Kurzwiel are saying, then your questions are easily answered.

weaken the environment and the human body/soul/mind enough until the general population freely chooses to merge with AI.

When this happens, say goodbye to freedom of thought.

The human soul will be utterly dominated....after that, I suppose what happens doesn't matter much..

The speed at which the GMO's happened and the total lack of opposition feel like they believe it is an emergency.

That emergency is the 7+billion humans on earth and a need to feed them all. That is why gmo food was invented .
To feed hungry people for cheap.

Surely there would have been time for testing, as it is they have poisoned people with the feed meant for animals. If it poisons people than animals eat it and you eat them or their milk it is still the same.

There were years of testing done you just don't know anything about it. Do you have proof that gmos have poisoned people?

I don't mean zero testing I mean testing equivalent to the huge possibility of future crisis which will no longer be containable. Testing that equals the danger this would be generations of testing when you are altering genomes and adding an insecticide to plants we eat.Plants that are now free to cover the earth and cross with all of the wild plants left out there.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 05:21 PM
This is a bit like trying to explain the missing link in human evolution, only it's technological leaps that are not recorded by science as any kind of normal progression. We get huge gaps where we go from (as an analogy) riding horses to driving diesel trucks. Where's the development of the engine? Why isn't that research available? This is the kind of gaps the OP is speaking of and ET involvement makes a handy solution - almost too easy a solution in a way. As it's not like UFO or aliens have been suppressed as a subject, quite the opposite in fact. This leads me think it may be the false trail laid for us.

Interesting OP and very challenging questions you pose.
The ancient megaliths still defy rational explanation so we are missing a big piece of the puzzle to be sure.
S&F + applause.

edit on 10-7-2017 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 05:25 PM
I am leaning towards the theory of more advanced human civilizations in our distant past. It's possible the race to Antarctica has been key in rediscovering much of what mankind already knew. We have been witness to the horror of the application of much new technology that is invisibly poisoning us and our world. Simple greed doesn't entirely fit for a rationale either, killing off your profit makers is bad business.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

There aren't many gaps. You can trace back all sort of inventions back to their origins if you really dug.
The thing is we need to record and sometimes it gets lost. A lot of information was lost when the Roman Empire collapsed, and It put one of these massive gaps you speak of. But passed down knowledge from skilled workers and early engineers brought it all back.

I only read ops first two posts but I get what he's trying to get accross.
The issue I have is there just isn't enough evidence to back up his claim. In theory it kinda makes sense, but when you sit back and thinm about it, it really doesn't.

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