posted on Jul, 9 2017 @ 07:26 PM
After hearing, reading and thinking about this, I believe it is a very bad idea.
Trump, as notable and good of an idea to form this unit, however, with Russia is not a good idea, as this can and will come back to harm the USA in
the long run.
Trump has ignored everything about this and is only believing what people tell him, even if it is a lie.
Now think on this for a moment: Vladimir Putin, was a member of the Soviet Union, an officer in the KGB, the Soviet Russian counterpart to the CIA.
Since his taking of office, there have been a lot of questionable actions that are pointing back to him. Reporters either imprisoned or killed,
political oppositions killed or imprisoned, with charges to disqualify them from every holding public office, protestors arrested and imprisoned to
shut them up.
And ever since the start of the investigation behind the allegations of interference in the US election, it seems as though all of those from Russia
who are suspected in such, have either returned to Russia, been imprisoned in Russia or have ended up dead in some circumstance, both in Russia and in
different countries, as if to hide or stop the trail that could implicate Putin.
Now with a person like that in charge of Russia, would it be wise to go for a joint venture, in say cyber security, where they would have access to
some key systems, how much damage could be done by either side to the other?
If anything, this makes Trump look like he knew and is actively colluding with the Russians in far more than him getting elected into office. And
would the response had been any different if he were to say get into such an agreement with say the Chinese?