a reply to:
You won't be able to "balance the scales" as long as people can be made to fear for their livelihoods.
Just look at the last US presidential election. It is clear that one of the key factors in the outcome of the election was the response of a vast
voter pool demanding, in essence, job security.
Despite the fact that the candidate elected had no prior experience in government and, according to a number of reports, had, in fact, a history of
disrespecting the very working class supporting him.
When you threaten the lobbyists you threaten the corporations. When you threaten the corporations, they turn and threaten their employees.
And when employees are threatened, they "toe (the Corporate) line", and cast their votes to maintain the status quo.
And who's to blame them? They are acting in their own, best, self-interest.
At least, to the best of their current abilities.
In today's world, the unemployed are, essentially disenfranchised; powerless, save for the intrinsic potential power that they could wield as a
"fighting" army (the PTB know to keep the masses of unemployed just low and/or disorganized enough to prevent the formation of any kind of effective
power block) and no one wants blood in the streets.
The employed are too afraid of becoming the unemployed to act against their corporate masters, even though they are the only ones who can, and are
therefore the only ones who could "fix" this sad situation.
edit on 9-7-2017 by Bhadhidar because: (no reason given)