originally posted by: Felicio
a reply to: DerBeobachter
I am a "leftie" but i have to disagree a bit on the mood you sketch,
In the weeks before the summit, left radicals have sabbotaged rail ways. The police have found knives, bullets, moltov cocktails and all kinds off
other weapons days before the summit. there have been threats off violence all over the internet. And the on the day itself, 1000 masked people show
up on the protest and you seriously wonder why the police halts the protest?
And we just have to believe all that?
That all that were anti G20 protesters, leftwing terrorists?
Did you ever see a letter of confession that proves that radical lefties were the attackers of the DB. Or ever heard of any evidence for that claim,
that it were leftwingers? Not? Everybody just thinks that if the DB is attacked, it have to be radical lefties. Nobody else could and would do that.
Like the alleged NSU was for years a turkish/kurdish mafia thing, a drugdealer war, and not "our" secret services like Verfassungsschutz, and their
little Nazis they control. Now we know better!
Isn´t it very handy for TPTB, if they find "tons of weapons" of radical lefties, months and weeks before the coffe party of TPTB? And spread these
news To create an anti left, anti protesters mood in the population? Weapons like knives, bullets(guess for a slingshot) and molotov cocktails. Where
did they find that stuff? If i remember right, on train passengers? Who transports molotov cocktails weeks before the G20? Which idiot would craft
them weeks before the G20 and transport them through Germany? Come on...
Another thing are the "1000" masked protesters. When the cameras and reporters were on-site, only a few masked protesters were to see by the cameras
and reporters, that were right in the middle of the demo. And this morning it suddenly were 1000. If i count all masked protesters i saw since
yesterday, i would say it were around 200-300,let it be 500, but never 1000. And why can they still move and create chaos? Why weren´t they arrested?
Why are people hit, kicked, sprayed with gas and water guns, that obvisiously are protesting peaceful, while the rioters can riot without a pause?
Those rioters in black. Whoever they really are. We had an incidence in Germany, it was the G8 in 2007, in Heiligendamm. Some peaceful protesters
caught one of those rioting "Black Block" "protesters", the other four fled to the other side, to the police. And the peaceful protesters forced the
police to admit that these rioters, at least one of them, was a cop:
"Nachdem sich einige der Vermummten auffällig provokativ verhielten und zu Angriffen auf die Polizei aufriefen, wurden andere Demonstranten
misstrauisch, kreiste fünf der Männern ein und verlangten ihre Herkunft und Identität zu erfahren. Vieren gelang die Flucht auf die andere Seite
– zur Polizei, zu der sie offenbar gehörten. Was den fünften betraf, so drohten die beteiligten Demonstranten später, sein Foto zu
veröffentlichen, falls die Polizei nicht von selbst bestätigen würde, dass es sich um einen eingeschleusten Beamten handelte. Die Polizei gab dies
nach einem ersten Dementi schließlich öffentlich zu. Allerdings habe der Beamte nicht zur Provokation angestachelt. Viele Zeugen bestreiten das."
Link, german, sorry
You are completely right with the second part of your comment!
But we can´t believe anything anymore, we don´t know who these black masked and hooded rioters really are. Should we still trust "our protectors",
even after agents provocateurs were caught and the police was disgraced for that fact?
And i don´t think that all of these rioters are agents provocateurs, you need only a few that heat up the atmosphere, that incite the idiots that
only came for riots, and not for protesting. And i don´t think that these guys are leftwingers. If they are no agents provocateurs, they are nothing
else than hooligans. Like the football hooligans that riot almost every week, somewhere across germany. That destroy trains of the DB, that sometimes
attack bystanders, but everytime the police, if they are able to. That are all drunk and on drugs, so they are fit to fight and to feel less pain.
Every week, and nobody says something about these rioters... Because they maybe are not described as "left"?
For me, the difference between left and right is:
The left is for the people, the right is for the government, the Führer, and the state power.
So some people would describe me maybe as left, but i never would describe myself like this, because i don´t fit in any of these prefabricated
schemes, like these left/right scheme. You can´t be left without being a bit right, you can´t be right without being a bit left.