posted on Jul, 21 2017 @ 10:31 AM
Well, it's been an interesting two weeks with the feed up. We've had 138 subscribers, and contributions towards the dedicated 24/7 server of about
$245.00 (the other $100 is my promised commitment). We've seen several eruptions of Bogoslof volcano in Alaska, seen most of the quake swarm at
Yellowstone, and witnessed M7.7 and M6.7 quakes, all live, before the agencies have reported on them.
Quite the show!
My sincere gratitude to those who have really really helped to spread the word, and even more to those who have taken this seriously and
contributed money towards the 24/7 server. And as promised, if we do not meet this goal over
the next months, I will be sending it all back to you. Either we get the server up or you get a refund. It's just that simple.
But now for the not so good news. I need my puter this weekend folks. I really do. So I am going to have to pull the feed down, with intent to restart
it Monday before I go to work again. As usual, I will report on anything significant, if I have the rig up- but honestly, I have other needs for the
system, so I won't be watching much. The sooner we get that server up, the sooner this issue will go away. I am going to need my computer sometimes.
It's just part of the deal for now.
So thanks once again so much for your understanding and support!