posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 06:05 PM
When I was younger... the rain was not rain only because it elicted an emotion called "forelorn" it was cause for a refection, on the whole. Of course
in egocentricism, it was about "me" in introspection... not why would the emotion of forelorn exist out there somewhere? The energy looming and made
itself present in that moment when it was not there before... rain is rain.
When a part of nature then such things are not seen as a self but a ground of awareness or being.
So when a mood shifts; who could it be coming from? One says self "me" but if that were the case one's mood would be all over the place like the eye
moment to moment moving now here now there.
So this mood that appears is what many try to beat away instead of face... when young we think it comes from us when it is the same "taste" feeling or
sensing this taste as not pleasing... many run from that feeling, instead of investigate it... to see where and why it is arising. Then we see that
since it has been ran away from by oh so many? Instead of embraced as an energy itself... it cannot be healed.
So embracing whatever arises as feeling; helps resolve those energies.
It can of course be very draining as it takes a lot of equipoise to face what others continually run from in fearlessness.
None of this needs to be said; silence... yes very noisy the mind chattering away at grasping from past to future with intention and typically only
weighing a self benefit not an other benefit and the present is left to that planning and ignoring all that needs resolving as that planning appears
to be a constant get away from what has past.
So the feeling looms on; and those anantara sounds arise as a cosmic symphony... yet they have always been yet typically unnoticed. Lol the loud conch
sound like a fog horn just blew and vibrated the whole ground at typing that.
Here's my advice on these sounds; they are related to chakras... so listen for the unstruck one, it appears in a moment of zen, as you carry that
sound. So when you hear one? Mentally recall it and then the one missing? Will sound as you recall it. All seven play on and the 8th is always waiting
for you to strike it whenever you feel like joining in; for them to rotate and bring peace/healing to the entire area or being that is just simply
edit on 6-7-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: sp.