posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 07:22 AM
My observation of the whole circus:
Since weeks, the MSM is trying to program the german people with iheir reportings, like:
All of the awaited, roundabout 100.000 protesters are radical leftwing chaots, radicals which are ready to use violence, that want just to destroy
everything and fight the police and burn everything down. All of them... 100.000...
Sooo, f the police in Hamburg goes on with it´s escalating politics, they will be defeated as fast as possible, if SHTF. Because...100.000(plus a
growing amount of average people that are against these police state conditions in HH-Hansestadt Hamburg) vs 20.000... I can see the final result, if
all of the protesters were radical chaots.
It´s a joke what´s happening there. Companies, businesses have to close for these days(not because they are afraid of riots, because of the
behaviour of the police and co), people flee from Hamburg, because they don´t want to show their kids their own city in a state of emergency, don´t
want to be treated like inmates of a jail or KZ of 38 square kilometers. I saw a documentary last night, the tv team was invited by the owner of his
own flat to take an interview there, but it was refused by the police... What??? The guy was speechless too, just said: You don´t even have the
rights on your propertiy anymore, because of these 20 "very important persons"...
If you are in HH right now, better switch of your spyPhone, your cell phone, tablet, note- netbook, whatever spying device. Remove the batteries and
sim cards. Because, if your phone or whatever is dedected near a scene of riots at the time of the riots, you have been there, maybe rioting. Reason
enough for "our protectors" to take a closer look at you! And nobody knows on which "anti-terror" list you will end then.
All we could see in TV was the police escalating, in their stormtrooper uniforms, with their litre bottles full of gas, their water guns etc. They
were hitting people, for sure the "Staatsmacht" hit them first. Later they said that somebody throwed bottles at them. No pictures of this, of course.
Now, two days later, we have pics of flying bottles, but from a later and different scene.
The german government is insidious. They tell the people that they have all rights to protest, protests are allowed, but they refused them to stay
anywhere, to camp anywhere. They cleared camps and destroyed the tents.
Camps that were authorised by court before!!!
Their tactic is, make them tired, if they are tired, they can´t protest.
We don´t have to forget that many of the protesters are german taxpayers. They pay to get sprayed with gas, get hit by "our friends and partners",
get hit by waterguns, just because they peacefully say what they think, and critize the G20, the "Great 20", the Greatest 20 criminals on earth.
Because they use their right to protest. Or try to.
If the same would have happened in russia, lets say in moscow, guess how "our" MSM would have screamed for "democratic behaviour". Would have written:
Look how evil the evil russians are, don´t even let the protesters camp anywhere...
Man, they shut down a complete city for a coffe party of the worlds biggest war mongerers, dividers, exploiters, chaos creators. They treat every
person in HH now publicly like potential terrorists, but the real terrorists celebrate themselves, to the chagrin of the people in HH. 20 liars and
their royal household. Wouldn´t you become angry if you have to live like in a huge KZ, every minute is too much, to celebrate these criminals!
Another thing is, i am pretty sure that if riots start, the fire will be lit by agent provocateurs. The "state power" did everything, from the first
minute on, to make the protesters angry.
Result: More and more average people switch to the protesters side. Own goal.
They didn´t let them camp all at one place?
Now they camp everywhere across HH, nobody can control them anymore. Own goal number two.
They started to gas and hit people, destroy their property, personal stuff, and everyody could and can see it, like in the videos of this thread. And
"we", se Tschermans, want to be the last hope for the free world(big LOL)? The idol for freedom and liberty, after the former US gave away that role
with thanks and pride? "We" want to tell Erdolf the wannabe Sultan that he is acting wrong, when he stops protest with violence, hinders the people
from making use of their democratic rights?
Own goal number three!
They shot so many own goals that i can´t count them anymore. And that startzs to make even the average people angry, when they see what their tax
money is used for. I mean, we all know that these 20 liars are liars, legal criminals. People in Germany asked from the beginning:
Why can´t they do their coffe parties on an aircraft carrier, in the, not in NY and not at the UN, damned bad idea... on a freaking island
where no protester would be, because they simply couldn´t reach the venue. Why do they have to shut down a complete city and create enormous amounts
of costs, of tax money.
There is just one logical answer to this:
TPTB want to show us people that they are TPTB!
Nothing else!
They want to show us:
You little exploited working bees can do nothing. If we, TPTB decide, you have to follow and to pay for our absurd wishes. If you don´t act as we,
TPTB, want you to, we will show you the power of our "state power". That you have to pay for, too, with "your" taxmoney.
This behaviour of the ruling class once started a revolution, in France. Maybe i should become producer of guillotines? But why are TPTB doing
everything to escalate instead of de-escalating the situation? Do they really want to show us what the "state power" is able to do, for intimidation?
Because they know that the people in Germany were quiet and obeying for a long time now, but below the surface it´s boiling. Most of us have enough
from supporting the rich with our money and lifetime, while obligations are only for the average people and rights are only for the rich and only
because of that powerful. Law meanwhile is AGAINST us and FOR them, with money you can buy your "justice", we have enough examples.
So TPTB obvisously think that they need a demonstration of their power, to intimidate the others that maybe would protest TPTB. Who would take part on
protests where they make you blind with water guns(Stuttgart21), where you get sprayed with gas and hit by the police, for making use of your alleged
rights to protest TPTB? TPTB rule with fear, the fear of the people. And it seems that TPTB need a demonstration of their power right now!
"We", Germany, are not much better than China, Erdolf Turkey, NK, the former USA. We are maybe just a little bit more handy about selling us as the
"good ones" to the world!
Sry for the wall of text, but i am in rage and i could right for hours now, if i had the time...