posted on Jul, 5 2017 @ 04:00 AM
WELCOME to the ATS Short Story Writers Contest for July 2017.
This time around, our theme will be:
A Photo Story
Below, you will find four Photos.
Your task is to write a Short Story based upon and including reference to, those four photographs.
You can put them in any order you like, but MUST INCLUDE ALL FOUR in your story.
You can either place the images directly into your story, or if you prefer just make reference to them with words.
This particular contest is JUST FOR FUN.
There will be no prizes this time around.
(Hopefully normal service will be resumed shortly!)
HERE are your Four Photos:
Rules Of Entry
The contest will run from NOW to Thurs 27th July 2017.
All T&C's Apply.
1 Single Story Submission is allowed Per Member.
Each Entry MUST include [PSC2017] in the title.
All entries must be linked in this thread.
There is no minimum or maximum character count, and the entry can be submitted over one or more posts, but please bear in mind that it is a SHORT
STORY contest!
Also, please END your submission with "THE END" so that everyone is clear that your entry is complete!
Have Fun and Enjoy.
edit on 5-7-2017 by Gordi The Drummer because: tidy up post