I like the star wars intro on this one, "MEME WARS"
Yeah not a good day for CNN, I would hate being an employee there right now, I wonder how many are looking for new jobs.
4Chan has threatened every employee of CNN saying it will dox them all in a week if they are still employed with them.
CNN also started a dox war, that they can't possibly win, there would be people from all over the world hacking and investigating everything from
Zucker down to some poor camera man's kids.
It's a lose/lose/lose play for them.
edit on 6-7-2017 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)
CNN is the convenient scapegoat people use so that they do not have to hold the president accountable for his own actions.
Not only is CNN a convenient scapegoat, it's a donkey desperate for a carrot. Never before has our glorious nation been so patriotic over fake news
and memes.
CNN is the convenient scapegoat people use so that they do not have to hold the president accountable for his own actions.
Not only is CNN a convenient scapegoat, it's a donkey desperate for a carrot. Never before has our glorious nation been so patriotic over fake news
and memes.
Trump is a creative genius.
If the reason for the all the blind "patriotism" about fake news wasnt false, I might agree with you. But as normal the right is making # up, even
when the evidence is right in front of them, to justify mockery of something Trump wants them to dislike. It the propaganda of this event has been
pretty amazing.
I used to visit them every day just to see what they're dishing out, but it's time to boycott them altogether, turn them off and refrain from visiting
their website.
Next up, let's "attack" (I'm not advocating anything destructive or violent) the CIA-funded (Obama authorized it as part of a new propaganda
policy) Washington Post and sink them, boycott their advertisers, and generally make fun of them.
We'll call it.. Operation Mockingbird!
The Washington Whipping Post.
edit on 7-7-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)
Oh things they are achanging. What a time to be alive. Even God is working with us in ways both overt and covert and mysterious but always willing
everything to the good for the sake and cause of everything that's worthwhile.
It's happening everywhere and at so many levels it's not funny, but funny is precisely what it is, and joyful.
Their whole structure is teetering on the brink of the abyss. The devil is being chained and double bound before our very eyes.
Watch for a big bloody psyop, but it's too late for that as well. They'll get caught this time.
Brilliant. The bird comes home to mock them. Sell-outs.
Meme it. Spread it. Same thing with the Washington Whipping Post. We all need a new target. CNN is dead.
This shouldnt surprise anyone but a lot of people like this poster didn't actually give a # about CNN doing things other then a means to try to
destroy the media.
Here's what CNN had up at the top of their front page most of the day on July Fourth, 2017.
Sorry to keep posting, don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, but I'm just so excited about what I'm seeing going on in the background and on
the world stage, and in so many ways at so many levels, even in my own dealings with power structure and hierarchy and authority in my job as a
corporate "headhunter".
Each of us, individually and collectively, have the power to "stop the motor of the world" so to speak. We have the double edged sword and the pen
that's even mightier; we are the juggernaut in their road. I could go on about various allegorical weaponry and shielding systems, but you get the
I was just watching Mike Cernovich over at InfoWars and I don't care what some think of AJ, but I like this Cernovich guy, who to me is like a good
Christian who's taken his commission seriously to go out and be as cunning as serpents and as harmless as doves.
What he pointed out, is the analytics, and the nature of the organic support network that exists, not for Trump, but for US all, how great it is (10's
of millions ++, and counting) and how many viewers and supporters there are who just hate and loathe everything that CNN stands for and represents,
and OTOH, and here's where it got real interesting, for me anyway, is that whole establishment's total and almost complete LACK of any such organic
support network, which is absolutely vital in the Internet age. All that's left really are a few star struck kids who are into Hollywood movies and
who take in and accept what the TV tells them, but even they are waking up now and taking the red pill.
It's a total sea change. It's utterly transformative, and it happened, like TODAY! 7-7-17, a day to be remembered, while Trump is trying to remake the
world in collaboration with Russia and China, to bring the Syrian war to an end and the end of ISIS, to help generate the space of lasting mutual
peace and security for a lasting mutual prosperity.
The globalists and the black hats have failed, but like Jones says, the Empire will Strike Back, so we've got to become doubly vigilant and still more
When I read that threat on CNN's website about the kid who made the original gif (I can't believe I'm typing this), it immediately struck me as so in
character with something utterly creepy and satanic and really dark and twisted, and I thought to myself - will anything happen or be done about
this?, will anyone notice? Well, the Internet sat up and took notice, and now we're ALL turning CNN off, on the TV and on the Net, and like I said, we
need a new target for which I suggest the Washington Post (very CIA shadow, deep state run).
Even now in some dark room, wicked people who work to foment the kind of nightmare that we've been living in on and since 9/11, are cooking up
something terrible to try to turn the motor of the world their way again, but I tell you, let all with ears let them hear, within the confines any
such room, they are only hatching their own doom before they'll even be in a position to set their evil plans in motion and get back out through the
It's what I call a "double bind" and it's working it's way throughout the world at all levels, from the apex of the Vatican, to the man on the street.
Macron, the new French President (who came out of that elite world) declared himself the other day to be just like the Roman God Jupiter!, and then
was seen pushing his way to the front of the group for the G20 photo op in an effort to bracket Trump on the far right.
It's all absolutely hilarious, and at some level, I honestly believe that God (the real one) is at work in the world, drawing lines and throwing a
chain around the beast while casting it into the abyss which means oblivion.
It's historic, even Biblical, what's really happening, but not everyone sees that or can perceive it, but it's still happening anyway.
Most of you know what I'm talking about and have seen it manifesting in so many ways in the various spheres of influence that you operate within,
whether in the context of family, community, or business.
Something's up, that's all I know, and we are all of us historical participants and causal agents of change for good or ill whether we like it and
want to be, or not. There's no escaping the double-bind, except by love, truth, beauty, justice, freedom and true individual liberty. What is power if
not the power to freely choose and to discern without being bombarded by all manner of manipulation and skullduggery?
I hope it accelerates even more, that's my hope and prayer.
There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
It's high time to throw all the pirates off the ship, to find them, expose them, and then watch them unwittingly walk the plank, just like CNN did.
It's all so exciting! I couldn't help but say more.
And if Hollywood cannot come out with any more good movies, then let's make fun of and totally boycott them as well! It's a den of vipers over there
in L.A..
And as to the left and Democrats, well if they don't do a housecleaning and reinvent themselves, then they will be completely and utterly corrupted by
that dotted line where the left meets the left-hand path.
You know what's interesting, to me?
I can speak out loudly about this stuff and anything I want now without coming under any sort of spiritual attack, and I don't even give a rats ass if
"they" were to hack my computer and phone again (that's another story).
Thank you everyone for what you do in whatever way however fast or slowly, however big or small. Please just do your part and fulfill God's calling
for your life, even if that means being granted the honor and privilege of sharing a small portion of the suffering of the cross for the sake of
what's right, just and true.
If God is for us and protects us, well then who or what can stand against us?
Into the breach once more dear friends!
No fear only faith. That's real power, on the farthest side of fear in the face of what amounts to nothing but irrational nonsense and inauthenticity
and insecurity and a whole lot of ass kissing and much worse.
edit on 8-7-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)
It is the end for them. The Sleeping giant woke up.
Good morning!
That's part 3 of a 3 part painting series that's of particular significance to Donald Trump, who went out of his way to visit the Bank of America
Building Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC, where it's hung, to see it on his birthday while he was running for POTUS in 2016. To him it was
meaningful, but what's interesting is that it's all starting to come true or reflect itself in reality true to form. Now that's fine art!
Here's part 2, which we're just coming out of now, but the ball of hurling naked chaos may not have a net to catch it, not now, or, maybe.. that's
pointing to the actual Internet itself, of course! Very prophetic.
Now that's very interesting and seemingly prophetic, for a whole host of reasons.. pointing the way (he's still navigating the pitfall right behind
him, by sidestepping to the right).