posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 05:28 AM
There are those who say there might have been ‘something’ before what we speak of as ‘the beginning of everything’. That ‘Something’
itself must have had had no beginning, ancient beyond any concept of ancient. From this eternal ‘something’, universes arose, including ours.
The problem with eternal things is they must be unaffected by time. They have to always remain exactly the same all the way through time. So how could
this ‘something’ begin making the universes, frozen as it was in unchanging existence? Therefore, we know this ‘something’ must be beyond our
Science suggests that, at a fundamental level, the tiniest parts of matter that make up reality are vibrating; perhaps they are only waves and
oscillations? Rationally, if that is the case, if you can make the waveform, you can make the particle. One might then see these tiny particles of
reality as being the notes in a musical piece that becomes the universe. This ‘song of being’, however, would incorporate sonances and harmonies
far beyond any human music.
This is, of course, the issue with trying to understand our universe. We can only relate it to the things we can know, with concepts that fit within
our limited brains. We must take on faith things are beyond us.
Therefore, our story begins with such a creation. It was, and is, spoken into being with a cacophony of countless words, the sounds of voices causing
cascades of frequencies, ringing, sustaining and changing over time.
The earliest beings were made to be singers in this choir of existence. Helpers in the great work. As such, they watched in amazement as their smaller
songs were orchestrated into the great harmony, which was complete and flawless. The singers could inhabit the lands of their songs in wonder and
In those days, the first beings also ranged to and fro without limit. Because their tasks and roles were to help in the ‘singing and making’, they
learned many secrets behind the foundation of the matter universe to come. Things hidden in deep ancient time, principles of great power.
The first beings were guided by the 70, hand chosen for purpose. Their individual specialties of rule make no sense to us now in this physical world,
but they were the lords of creation. At the head of the 70 were the four arch-rulers, the ‘great-lights’. Beyond and above even them, was the one
whose existence made existence.
One day Helel, the lead singer in the songs of making and being, was absent from the council of 70. There was much consternation as this had never
occurred before. The council was disturbed as to how they should proceed. Helel’s role was vital. Helel was the first of the great lights. The
oldest, the wisest, the most beautiful, the most talented and capable singer, but he was just not there.
Little by little, the Councillors heard of inexplicable rumors of things happening in the matter universe that were not as they should be. Someone
suggested Helel had gone mad and was sabotaging everything, trying to break everything made. But why? He wasn’t like that, surely?
Then came the report no-one wanted to hear. Helel had been seen upon a matter world, making it his home, building edifices and luxuriating in the
colors of its lights. He had become crusted with a shell of its most attractive matter. Precious stones and metals clung to his form. In the midst of
the rivers of fire of this world, he strode in personal splendor. And worse, he had called others to come to him. Some already had, more were to
follow. He’d made a new council of his own and spoke out about ‘injustice’.
Helel appeared before the council saying, “I have discerned the conscious beasts, made out of this matter we sing, will usurp us. These frail, dull
and mortal creatures have been designed and planned to supplant all of us first beings, even the Great Lights. We have created them and their world
and in return, they will over-reach us. There is no fairness in this. We are to be cast aside; a remnant of greatness that once was. How can we stand
by and allow this to happen? We must either take control of the song, or pass from relevance, but we must make our decision now, while we still
The council was adjourned so wisdom could be sought from the source of the song. At the gathering, with Helel present, the following was relayed to
all in attendance:
“The plan was always to supplant each form of conscious existence with newer, more diverse and varied conscious forms. The humans are merely the
next in an ongoing chain of consciousness. The first ones exist forever and their place is secure, always a place of honor. You will change as you
mature, as planned from the start. As you find yourselves now, this is not your final form. But these humans also have eternal destiny, and then
The pronouncement caused great distress in the council and out through the ranks. After a time of deep introspection, many saw the wisdom and grandeur
of a plan swept through infinities of time and where there was always growth, always change, always novelty.
But there were those who could not abide the plan and felt betrayed. And so, in rebellion, a full third joined Helel upon the world he had claimed and
they placed a border around it, limiting access back to the free heavens, bounding their own private domain.
The murmurs had begun. The council lost resolve and became ineffective. The matter world began to corrupt as many of the songs ceased. The non-matter
world began to divide…
And so, some foundations of the matter world lost form, becoming loose and fluid. The fields of force which tied everything together were turbulent as
storm driven oceans, as the flux of matter particles fell into, and out of, transient existence.
As the matter universe cooled and spread, the worlds wobbled like molten droplets flung through an ocean of deep space made out of time and vast
distance, full of great energies and strewn with the unlit stars.
Since they could not physically touch matter, the ‘once singers’ who rebelled became ‘the ones who stand and watch’ embittered, they no longer
had a reason or goal and could not even act in this new domain where they had imprisoned themselves. They blamed Helel, seeking to defy his leadership
as they began to understand how hollow their victory was.
Many times they tried to adhere matter to themselves as had done Helel, but even Helel could not remain in physicality this way without great effort
and so had mostly abandoned it. Incorporeal and trapped between the seven heavens and the heat in the ground, they began to change, bent into
bitterness, preferring darkness and putting off their light.
The first men strode forth but they were disregarded in the eyes of the Watchers, who despised humanity.
So the Watchers cast about for ways to ‘be’ in this new world. To embody themselves in physicality. At time, there were great and monstrous
animals strode the Earth. The dinosaurs seemed to be the pinnacle of physical strength. And so the dark ancient souls began indwelling the bodies of
the beasts. The great Pterosaurs were chosen; winged, armored, with long arms and legs, terminating in articulated taloned digits. The Watchers
charged the life of brute strength with intelligence and power. And so, Dragon kind arose.