posted on Jun, 27 2017 @ 09:17 AM
I actually think that instead of giving the money to the queen we pay freeze her and her family's ass for a while
see how they like that say 8 years ! see how they live in the mean time, if they continue their life of luxury then we know they are holding out on us
there is no way they need that money , its straight up materialism and decadence
and the money we use to upgrade buckingham palace and all the other expenses gets spent on resolving some of the most pressing problems, like the poor
and hungry , you know those families living off food banks etc
homeless people , elderly and infirm , the disabled .
just because the queen is head of state , why the # should we upgrade her and give her a pay rise , when the rest of the UK are struggling.
and I will say again I still dont believe the crown estate works as advertised , there is no way anyone on earth would let that money slip through
their fingers without taking measures to protect some of it !
Every human on earth accept jesus or buddha wouldnt allow it to happen why do you think the queen is any different.
You think she doesnt run guns and drugs on the side ? # even human trafficking
edit on 27-6-2017 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)