posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 03:03 AM
Well the whole deal about multiple universes is because of the thought of travelling into the past. Simply put, if an object were to travel 10 minutes
into the past, the scientists in the past would've been puzzled long enough so that they wouldn't of sent the object through at the same time as the
first. Even more, in order for time travel to of occured, there would now be two of the same item in the same timeframe. Yet, if the event were to of
disrupted whatever caused the object to timetravel, the travel wouldn't exists and the object and event wouldn't of ever occurred.
That would make the object that went into the past an object from a different dimension as it is now repeating time, yet not the same way it
originally occured. Yet, for the scientist in the future that sent the object, they too would either blow away from existance from their moment or
not be affected at all. In all, the ball would see the same scientists, but in different situations which would be impossible for the future
scientists to ever expierience. Hence, multiple dimensions.
The thought of time travel scares me because if it truely exists, it would've been accomplished and it's effects would go unnoticed. Whatever
changes that were made in time would appear as regular events that prevent an outcome that'll never be seen.