posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 12:32 AM
I tried this stuff quite a few years ago too, but I've lost my list of pendulum rates that I copied from one of Lethbridge's books. Here are a few
more that I found on a web site -
Length Material
7" sulphur
10" graphite
12" carbon
13" slate, concrete
14" glass, porcelain
15½" quartzite, flint
20" animals, plants, wood, rubber, coal, paper, bread
22" silver, lead, salt
23½" vegetable oil, amber
24" masculinity, diamond
25½" alcohol
26½" running water
29" femininity, gold
30½" copper, brass, tin
32" iron
40" death, anger
If I recall correctly, you're supposed to be able to find the length for something by swinging the pendulum over a sample object and lengthening or
shortening the cord until it suddenly goes into a circular swing.
Also, the NUMBER of circles it makes before it stops and reverses direction is supposed to yield additional information. For example, there was a
certain cord length that would give a reading for illness, but the number of swings would tell you the specific ailment.
I just noticed something - why would diamond, graphite and carbon give different readings? That seems a bit weird.