posted on Jun, 27 2017 @ 01:45 AM
Troy, my boxer has amazed me a few times. I usually take him out in the back yard and toss a ball around with him. His specialty is mid-air grabs.
Anyway, one day we both went out in the back, and he noticed that I did not have a ball with me.
Looking straight in my eyes and with ears half cocked and a frown on the top of his head (if you have a boxer, you probably know what I mean), he
barked at me. I said directly to him "I left the ball in the kitchen." He went back in the house and ran up the stairs, into the kitchen and found
the ball and brought it back outside, dropping it at my feet.
That is some kind of cognizance, and it amazed me. However, it is spurious, as many things you would think easier, he does not pay much attention to.