Hi I am BEEJAYMARSH. Somewhat older at 75 years plus. A Kiwi. Vietnam Veteran in Infantry. Former High Commissioner and Ambassador for New Zealand.
I am committed to Free World Western Alliance principles. Married 3 children 50 years together with the one and only wife.
Happy to be here.
Best wishes.
Welcome to ATS,what's funny is my best friend growing up in my teens,left for NZ in 71 joined the Natl rugby team,never saw or heard of him again,have
fun and you have a beautiful country,and my bud's wife is from Queensland not too far off
Welcome to ATS,what's funny is my best friend growing up in my teens,left for NZ in 71 joined the Natl rugby team,never saw or heard of him again,have
fun and you have a beautiful country,and my bud's wife is from Queensland not too far off
Welcome to ATS, from Texas! Please lobby that they keep making the Brokenwood Mystery series! Love it, although the acceent is a mystery in and of
itseelf. (mispeeling inteentional).
How nice to see you. What made you decide to sign up on ATS? There are plenty of interesting threads to be had here.
I'm sure you'll find some that suit you.