First thing, FORGET MS OFFICE. It is useless and crapola. Have him download OpenOffice, its fricken great and its open-source.
It's features include a word processor with Thesaurus and Dictionary and MS Word compatibility.
It comes with Spreadsheet software as well as presantation software(think power point)
Forget IE as well have him download Firefox from
Installing XP is easy allthough it doesn't give you many installing options as I am used too from Linux its pretty simple install. First thing when
you install though is to Format everything(after backing up any info of course) and do it SLOW not QuickFormat. Also make sure his partitions are
formatted to NTFS, much more effiencient filing system.
I will write up a step by step, hope it helps.
1. BACK UP ALL IRREPLACEABLE FILES -- That means any file that he/she cannot re-download of the net and needs for day-to-day stuff.
2. Place XP CD in Drive
3. Reboot and press either Del, F2 or F8 to enter the system bios(every Bios is different so some experimentation might be needed)
4. Change the boot sequence in the Bios so that the CD/DVD drive becomes Bootable, same thing as a bootable floopy
5. Once that is done Save Changes & Reboot with the XP CD in the Drive, it should automatically go to the XP setup screen.
6. Make sure to format all drives and convert to NTFS file format this step may take anywhere from 10 mintues to more then an hour depending on the
Speed and Size of the drive
7. Follow the Instructions to complete install. From here on its very easy, you should not have any problems here.
8. Download OpenOffice and Mozilla Firefox
9. Burn anything made by NORTON and make him/her take a lession in basic computer security. The best protection is education. I Never use Anti-Viral
software, I just use computer common sense. Something that has to be learned but once learned is invaluable..
[edit on 7-2-2005 by sardion2000]