posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 05:50 PM
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I have a more centrist view in that party affiliations are pretty meaningless to me. One thing my career in the Military has given me is a perspective
that in my youth I never had.
As you travel and become more culturally ept, you begin to realize that the enemy is never what you thought it was and that a friend is never what you
thought it was. Yet, when youre young and things honestly seem a lot more important than they are, the lines seem clear and precise. They aren't.
I love the Russian people, hell, ive got Russian family and dated a girl from Kiev. Despite that though, I hold accountability wherever that may lie.
In the same manner I hold Americans accountable for their actions though I have national pride.
I think saying "Russia hacked the election" is wholly false. I think saying "Russian interests attempted to influence the election" is not wholly
false. But I also say that "American corporate interests attempt to influence the election by way of lobbyists" every single election cycle. There are
some ways that I see them as apples and oranges, and in some ways I see them as apples and apples.
I personally don't think increasing our cyber-security is something we should need to worry about within the sphere of democratic elections. Truth be
told, no matter how high a level of security that CAN exist, it is meaningless when faced with the option of being bought and paid for....and the
human element is always the weakest link. So long as humans are responsible for maintaining those same systems, the weak link will always be there.
President Trump though, on the other hand is SO MUCH a part of the problem and not the solution. He didn't "drain the swamp", he transformed it into a
reality TV swamp. Having him ask for public exoneration
only fuels more turmoil surrounding what he is known for, lying outright. Shame on us for electing him.