posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 06:43 AM
For a long long time it used to be when you were growing up you kind of knew what you would be doing in your adult life. Assuming you actually
survived childhood, your adult life was determined almost entirely on where you were born and what your social status was.
Then the world changed, and things got better, and people are no longer consigned to the same fate as their parents. But this is all rather new in the
human experience, and we haven't quite figured out how it works. Unfortunately, while we were figuring out this new paradigm, a little bit of a fairy
tale slipped into our thinking. This is the fairy tale where children are told they can be "anything they want"; you just need to figure out what
your "dream" is and then go for it.
Unfortunately, that fairy tale does not match up with reality. The fairy tale that says "just be whatever you want to be" usually turns out not to
be true. Life just doesn't work that way. People who hang on to that fairy tale once it proves false just get frustrated and disillusioned. But
reality, as it turns out, is quite a bit more interesting than fairy tales.
The reality of the situation is that nobody knows how your life will turn out. And your life will most likely turn out in a way you could not have
even imagined. That open-ended and unpredictable nature of reality is actually what makes life exciting and interesting.
So do not try to predict or create the future. Pursue nothing other than what is right in front of you and what your common sense dictates at the
time. All you can control is how you react to things. All you have to go on is your own internal compass. You do not have an internal map, you just
have an internal compass. There is no map.
Your compass is basically your common sense and also your morality. At every step of the way, you cannot have predicted what just happened, but what
you can do is check your compass and follow what it says to do next. This will not allow you to foresee a path. What the path will ultimately turn out
to be is not for us to know. But you will, more often than not, find satisfaction in your journey. And, one day, looking back, you will see that you
have traveled a straight road.