originally posted by: gell1234
What should I be looking out for and what does it have to do with the the NWO?
What's going on ?
Mass disappearance of people across the globe between 8-21-17 till 9-23-17...
Huge atmospheric/erratic weather changes...
The beginning of WWIII...
nuclear exchanges...
EMP blasts outing major electric grids (either natural from the sun via coronal mass ejections OR man made)
Thus limiting civic water attainment AND sewage flushing.
Obvious complete financial state ruin...
...issuance of a virus that causes the uninfected to violently infect the uninfected.....
...emergence of unimaginable, massive, predatory animals pursuing and preying on man....
Denial of the chance to emigrate to refugee status to flee said afflicted area....
Natural disasters (natural or man made) super hurricanes, super volcanoes, super earthquakes...
A RED BULL from the heavens, a fiery Dragon, a planet-comet brought to our skies by a sister star, sweeps through our space and causes massive shifts
of our planet's surface's very makeup till Earth is no longer recognizable as it's former self.... Country borders are meaningless now, and this
crisis is taken advantage of as a new One World Governance is established.
To foment the bond of still surviving earth people into the need for global unity....
The above said horrors continue... Including (natural or man made) meteor showers....
...and a fabricated attack by a false flag extraterrestrial threat...
After the clouds clear,
A dictator type fascist corporate construct social system to get people back to order is slowly yet strongly instilled
The coming...
Of a slew of super humans....
Who have been evolving, under the surface for years before this all, suffering in their metamorphosis....
Come to act, and save humanity from these horrors en masse.
They eventually take compassionate grip of human dealings with the innummerable horrors and threats..
.... and through diligent process of delegation...
.... aid mankind towards a new level of being, on a new world, biologically, geographically, politically, economically, and spiritually.
enter The age of the God-Man ....