posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to:
For clarity, Castille was the driver. The popular facebook video shows it reversed.
On the subject of John Crawford, I will agree that excessive force was indeed used. There were no reports of shots fired and from the looks of
things, upon first glimpse using firearms is essentially murder.
What would you have done in this situation be it the police or Crawford?
Onto Castille. There is something strange about the story regarding that. Upon the officer asking for license/registration, there are conflicting
reports of what was handed over. One story claims that only his insurance card is handed over, and then Castille tells Geronimo that he is armed.
Upon attempting to possibly find his license, the officer assumes he is moving for his weapon and then discharges his. Seven times. Another story
says that he initially did hand over his license in which case the officer could readily believe that he was attempting to access said firearm.
Again, what would you have done in either shoes?
To me, this goes way deeper than the black and white scared scenario. There is indeed fear. There also exists years of stereotypes, supremacy,
classism, ignorance and a lust for power. Shooting anyone without all the facts is wrong. Period.