posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 11:44 AM
Thanks for the OP.
To be honest, I've seen it many times with my own eyes in my own local area. Some involves my close friends. I was there to help and sent them to
nearby hospital. Those possession sometime occur around 11 pm until 3 AM. Sometimes repeatable. But almost all the encounters are "curable" and non
And yet, I'm not convinced the victims are genuine. Some "possessions" are due to mental stress leading to hysterical behaviour. Others are just
perpetuated misconception of illusions or intrepretation of subconciousness.
I had more terrifying "dreams inside dreams" experiences during my teenage. I almost certain they aren't even dreams but OOBEs ( Out OF Body
Experiences ) because dreams dont leave any physical marks on your body. But I stop believing and I could hardly dream anything nowdays.What I am
trying to say is, they are not real unless you want them to be real. Even if you do want them to be real, it's only you who are seeing things. So what
is the point? Others cant see this demon. They can only see you. The best they can experience is hearing you speaking non-human conversation with the
unseen, as it had already happened to me a long time ago ( observed by my family ).
But I'm not here to discourage to you. There are a lot more than these Videos and Youtubes can show. If only we have some sort of advance technology
to net this demons out and turn them corpereal/visible to naked eyes, it would be awesome. Maybe then we could study them under strict laboratary
Anyway, thanks again for the video. You did an excellent work.
edit on 24-6-2017 by EasternShadow because: (no reason given)