posted on Jun, 17 2017 @ 09:13 AM
originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: Kalixi
For some god unknown reason (at least to me) the Leftest Globalist Progressives in the world are bound and determined to "fundamentally transform"
western valued nations into 3rd world s#itholes.
I assume if they can succeed in "balkanizing" our countries that they believe they can control us.
I have a couple of friends (well, more like casual acquaintances) who are extremely liberal and at lunch, we started down the discussion of domestic
violence among Muslim and other refugees.
I asked them, "Okay, so we allow them to come here, feed them, clothe them, house them, then, the "man of the house" wants to beat his wife and kids,
and some want to mutilate their female children's' genitals to make sure that they will never like sex and won't even consider "being unfaithful" to
their future husband. They get pissed when the cops come in to enforce our laws."
"Well Fred, they don't know and understand our laws, we need to be tolerant to their beliefs."
My response was, "WELL, maybe, just maybe, we educate them as to what our laws are, BEFORE WE ALLOW THEM INTO OUR COUNTRY, so that they know that
beating their wife and kids, and mutilating their daughters genitals IS NOT CONSIDERED AS KOSHER IN AMERICA!!!!!"
"Fred, you are just not sensitive to their cultural needs and desires"
And that, my friends, is why we shall fail as a nation, if we allow this madness to continue.