My neighbor had a good definition of "liberal news" that we discussed the other night. It is that "liberal" reporting is such because it
presents information, then it asks questions, and leaves it up to the reader to answer them, rather than answering them for us.
I suggest anyone interested look up a documentary called "the myth of the liberal media" . Has some great perspectives on the matter, some good
interjections by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman as well.
Its hard to find so I'll try to give a brief rundown of the film.
They take a look at the structure of the entire idustry, the arrangements of the media companies. The overall assertion of conservatives, that the
"media is 'liberal' " is based on some almost hilarious statistics. (They bring together information on how journalists vote, and they found that
they vote democratically, hence they are "liberal". Then they try to sell us the idea that the journalists get to decide what gets printed.)
"...its like saying the workers on floor of a car factory get to design the cars they make"
They go further to talk about the "filters" of news, that the news has many filters, that can (ownership , advertising , sources , flak) For
example, advertising is 100% OF REVENUE for television --talk about control! Then look at this frightening list of who owns who..
cbs - owned by westing house (publisher / arms manufacturer)
nbc -owned by general electric (no intro needed there)
abc - owned by disney (little more harmless but no less creepy)
There was also segments on anti-communism in the media, support of free market capitalism, but those^^^ were the main points that I think are most
important for people to know, but I definitely advise you guys to search the file sharing networks for this one, a good watch indeed.
Does anyone know of any other connections between the media industry and those industries profiting from the message that they portray? That would be
great to assemble a list of all the networks, who owns them, and what other industries those owners have their fingers dipped into. Research project
[edit on 11-4-2005 by benign]
[edit on 11-4-2005 by benign]