Photo evidence or it didn’t happen right?
Well, I stumbled across some old photos in my phone, from 2015, that may possibly back up ATS member’s claims about witnessing a strange anomaly
around the Moon.
They were taken in a different time zone on the same night but from Melbourne, Australia.
Now admittedly they were taken using a Samsung Galaxy S6 smart phone. And the visible bluish blur could be caused from the camera.
I don’t recall actually noticing anything about the Moon that night myself, but I also must confess that I don’t have the best eyesight anyway
which is why I sometimes take photos of things, so I can zoom in on the photo to see what I've missed.
I came across the photos while looking through my photo gallery for pictures to add to a Steemit post I was working on. Many of you have already heard
about by now I’m sure.
That post "
It’s getting even easier to photograph the Moon."
( is about how cool it is to be able to take photos (snap shots)
of the moon with the cameras in our phones when years ago it would take an expensive camera with a good zoom and or a time lapse feature. For it, I
put together this GIF of my old 2015 photos of the Moon.
While looking at the photos and the blur, I recalled the post:
"Something Blue Behind The Moon" by
hounddoghowlie Link:
I checked the date on my shots and found that post again by doing a search in ATS for “moon posted on Nov, 11 2015 @”.
If only I had connected the dots in time to add it then. So I added one just now to make up for it... (?)
For those who like to investigate further the raw files copied directly from my phone, unedited, not renamed or anything, just zipped up for your
viewing pleasure are available here: []
Anyway, it’s funny the things you come across.
Rock on ATS!