+47 more
posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 07:10 PM
I have been trying to draw attention to the genocide in SA for some time now and am a member of genocide watch. The massacres currently going on
against the Afrikaaner Farmers are pretty horrendous and wholly intentional. The Chinese have already moved into Angola Zimbabwe and other places.
What was once a wealthy economically successful country is now a cesspool of murder drugs & corruption.
South Africa has been in the business of slavery for a very long time(since colonial days) it started around the horn of africa near Niger(hence the
derogatory term) when slurred
Nope wrong. Slavery has always been in Africa long before colonials. The Arabs used to trade slaves for hundreds of years as did the Egyptians as well
as slavery being common place between rival tribes. Black African slaves were even found in China believed to have been transported there by the
Arabs. They took slaves from Ghana Congo Ivory Coast and elsewhere mainly sub-sahara. South Africa as is known today wasn't even in existence at this
time. The Trans-Saharan slave trade was the biggest trade at that time with over 3,000 per year on average being shipped to the Middle East. South
Africa wasn't even founded until 1961 as a country with the Portuguese being the first explorers of the Southern African coast.
What's happening now is that as a result of intentional Government Legislation, white farmers all over SA are being murdered and their land turned
over to the local blacks. The problem is many of the blacks don't want to farm so they simply sell it back to the Government at a huge profit. Vast
tracks of land now lie barren and once again the African states who relied on SA as the "bread basket of Africa" are suffering starvation.
There is also a uniquely high level of xenophobia in SA with a huge distrust of any refugees & asylum seekers which has been causing large amounts of
As with most African countries once the "colonials" left, corruption and nepotism have caused huge problems as has the tribal rivalries that still
plague the countries.
I lived in Zimbabwe and Namibia with a brief stop in SA then the Cape. I could go on and on but pointless, No-one will ever grasp the severity of the
situation in SA unless they've seen it first hand. Laying the blame at colonials is just silly now. Each and every country was left with an
infrastructure banking farming irrigation and other such and promptly destroyed it all and are now in danger of going backwards insofar as technology
and economics are concerned. There is not one African country that can now compete on the world stage.
edit on 15-6-2017 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)