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Distribution (by Shape) of reported UFO sightings on NUFORC from Nov. 2003-Nov. 2004

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posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 05:29 PM
Good observation Vegemite.
Its odd to me because most of the abductions I've heard of take place out side of a city like in the woods.

The fact that the maps match this way can mean a few thing.
Could be that Higher populated areas just report more for the fact that there are more people there to report.
It could also mean the pilots of the UFOs are attracted to high populated areas. If this is true then this would mean that the pilots of the UFOS are defiantly interested in whats going on in the Cities.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Vegemite

Here are the maps of America's light they are almost identical to UFO distribution.

Not really. There are very well lit areas that have almost no UFO acitivity or little relative to population and light.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Yes by these pictures it seems they follow lights but its more complex than that:

think like ET if you were going to snatch a human without getting shot were would u go, AHA a suburban area, alot of people but not too many who could defend agianst it, and off a little from most congestion of humans.

You would first follow the lights on earth to humans then follow along the outskirts of cities until a vunerable human is out in the open and at a disadvantage, easy for the snacthing.......

bruce cathie's theory is they follow the earth grid which he shows with maps like yours:

if you buy the earthgrid software"GRIDWORKS" you can plot ufo paths accourding to cathie....

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:16 PM
posted on 5-2-2005 at 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Vegemite
Here we go

lots of UFOs around Baltimore. The Annapolis area has an unusual amount of triangles. While the Eastern Part of the state has little or no UFO activity

posted on 6-2-2005 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Vegemite
Here are the maps of America's light they are almost identical to UFO distribution.

So am I to conlcude that there are no lights in Eastern Maryland?

Seriously, though, yes, there does exist a strong and significant correlation between the gross overall distribution of objects and the population density distribution within the contiguous 48 (which would be *very* closely reflected by the light maps you posted).

I even addressed this in one of the earlier posts yesterday:

Originally posted by sdrumrunner
Interestingly, the geographic distribution doesn't correlate as strongly as I thought it would with population density maps... I'm not saying there is no correlation (as evidenced by the relatively large number of reported sightings along the West Coast and Eastern Seaboard), but rather that it does not appear to be as strong as I thought it would be...

From an analytical standpoint, this is to be expected, as in general, the greater the population, the greater the probability that someone will actually experience (and thus report) a sighting.

While to the uninformed eye, the nighttime light map of the U.S. and the distribution plot map may appear "nearly identical," there are in fact significant differences... To give you a hint, one of the answers lies within the first post I quoted above.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

So am I to conlcude that there are no lights in Eastern Maryland?

Seriously, though, yes, there does exist a strong and significant correlation between the gross overall distribution of objects and the population density distribution within the contiguous 48 (which would be *very* closely reflected by the light maps you posted).

Well most of Eastern Maryland is farmland so there would be less pop. density. Thus less lights

pop. distribution

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 07:16 PM
Good map Veg...

And as mentioned, and as expected, there is a significant and strong correlation between the overall distribution of reported sightings and population density. And as mentioned, this is to be expected. Thx for posting a map of the latter to better illustrate this point.

For your collective dissemination, discussion, and contemplation:

While there does exist a strong correlation between population density and overall reported sighting distribution, there are some very prominent deviations which in and of themselves seem to nullify the hypothesis that the occurence of UFO sightings is purely a function of population density.

For example: Number of plotted sightings in and around Birmingham, AL, a metropolitan area of nearly 850,000 people? Zero

Number of plotted sightings in and around Birmingham, AL, a metropolitan area of nearly 340,000 people? Zero

But does this mean there are no lights or people living in Birmingham or Montgomery, AL? Of course not...

Please take note that together, these two metropolitan areas account for over 25% of the state's population, but account for 0% of the plotted sightings.

Yet Mobile, AL, which accounts for less than 5% of the state's population is home to 25% of the reported sightings in the state!

Or how deos one explain that the number of sightings in little 'ol Mobile (a city of less than 200,000 people) accounted for exactly as many sightings as St. Louis, a metropolitan region with a population of over 3 million people?

Anyway, these are but a couple of the examples which nullify the hypothesis that the distribution of reported UFO sightings is just a simple function of population density... as this is simply not the case as evidenced by the data.

[Edit: because I forgot to turn off the "bold" button...

[edit on 6-2-2005 by sdrumrunner]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 04:14 AM
you guys should put together an abduction map !
with races of aliens color coded!
that would be something really valuble to many.....
And educational to the extreme....

Although it would be hard as many files are in confidence and cannot be disclosed due to fear of loss or ridicule by our very own people.

[edit on 7-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:39 AM
The triangle sightings appear to form a regular grid pattern across the eastern half of the US. It would be interesting to know the dates of the sightings, is there a link to the database somewhere?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 06:54 AM
You can't 'safely assume' that a sighting near a known test base is going to be a secret plane.........UFOs show up regularly at bases and the like.

I haven't read thru this whole thread so this could be obsolete -

it'd be better to track sightings of what could be the same object by different people, seen at the same times or similar times -

ie, do it by time - so same day or same night sightings, as opposed to same shape. Think of tracking a car for example - do you really care to find all other instances of that car make and model? Or ones that resemble it?

More seriously, you would really need to check out all astral projectors and anyone doing any merkabah type of stuff in a projective manner, as many of them will be responsible for UFOs seen flying about in airspace.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 09:08 AM
sdrumrunner, If I were to look at it regardless of type's of sightings ie: color/shape/size, I would tend to believe regardless of location, they can go unseen for the most Part, unless your looking up at the right time. At times all of us, in our daily life will have many things that will pass us by by going unoticed while getting things done, or having fun! I, on the other hand look at it with a larger picture in mind.

Case in point, had it not been for my Step Bro to ask me this simple question.... Do you accept everything yours eye's see? My answer was yes! Then look up there and tell me what you see.... He pointed, I looked, I had no answer! I was eight years old at the time, what could be expected? But that moment has never left my mind.... I continue to look up more then down, or straight ahead... unless of course, when I want a Beer, and see my wife naked!!!!
Thanks for your efforts, as well as all others here, this is good stuff folks, I enjoy your insight!

[edit on 7-2-2005 by jessemole]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
The triangle sightings appear to form a regular grid pattern across the eastern half of the US. It would be interesting to know the dates of the sightings, is there a link to the database somewhere?

Ask, and ye shall receive...

Cickity --> here. Triangles are located near the bottom of the list.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by jessemole
sdrumrunner, If I were to look at it regardless of type's of sightings ie: color/shape/size, I would tend to believe regardless of location, they can go unseen for the most Part... At times all of us, in our daily life will have many things that will pass us by by going unoticed while getting things done...

Thanks for your efforts, as well as all others here, this is good stuff folks, I enjoy your insight!

My pleasure, jesse...
I am absolutely taken aback by the level of gratitude I have received from everyone here...
As I have said, I would have felt complete gratification if only one other person had found this as interesting as do I... anything beyond that is simply a blessing.

And I agree 100% with your observation above... We're all so absorbed/preoccupied with the day-to-day requirements in our daily lives that we often never bother to take notice of the world around us.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
...bruce cathie's theory is they follow the earth grid which he shows with maps like yours:

if you buy the earthgrid software"GRIDWORKS" you can plot ufo paths accourding to cathie....

Thx, LA...

While I will most likely hold off on a purchase as such, I would greatly appeciate it if anyone has available any links to accurate eletromagnetic and/or gravitational field maps of the continental U.S. for this very purpose...

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 12:37 PM
I was curios what kinds of maps are out there regarding UFOs out side of the US. Although these maps do not have the sightings organized by shape it does show who is reporting sitings.

My first observation was the majority of sightings were reported in the US and Western Europe.
My first thought was that these are the areas blamed most for covering up existence of alien life.
Then on second thought it may just be the peoples interest in these areas of UFOs and their likeliness to report them.

It's too bad we can't see what shape the UFOs are. Seeing how the common idea on this board is that triangle UFOs are from Earth.
If only triangles were found in the US it would of suggested that they were in fact US unrevealed crafts.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 01:12 PM
One must also remeber, in developing countries, though sightings seem to be light, one must remeber they have hugh populations, but not really strong infrastructure or system, where UFOs can be reported. Many people in third world countries have seen UFOs, but never report them, either because they accept them as normal and thus, no reason to report anything, or they simply dont have any organizations or officals to report them to, or are unaware. Internet is not common in such places.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Interesting....LA and NYC have the most it seems....

Perhaps MIB had it right...where better to hide as an alien than either NYC or LA?

Of course, both are major airport hubs too, so probably a lot of misidentifications to skew the results here...

Still, a noble effort, and intriguing to see...

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by GazrokStill, a noble effort, and intriguing to see...

Thx, Gazrok -- I'm glad to hear you appreciate it as well.

Now, there are in fact a couple conclusions that may be safely drawn which I am yet to hear anybody mention, including the one, single, macroscopic conclusion that may be safely drawn from an informed study of these very plots...

It has been touched upon, but not explicitly mentioned as such, and while rather simple and obvious (as everyone will see once it is mentioned) is equally profound in its implications!

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 02:55 PM
there are a lot more sightings along the coastlines of the US.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by avert disaster
there are a lot more sightings along the coastlines of the US.

Actually, this is top be expected, given a majority of our population lives along the coast.

Below is an earlier post which more adequately addresses the issue of distribution as a function of population density:

Originally posted by sdrumrunnerAs mentioned, and as expected, there is a significant and strong correlation between the overall distribution of reported sightings and population density. And as mentioned, this is to be expected. Thx for posting a map of the latter to better illustrate this point.

For your collective dissemination, discussion, and contemplation:

While there does exist a strong correlation between population density and overall reported sighting distribution, there are some very prominent deviations which in and of themselves seem to nullify the hypothesis that the occurence of UFO sightings is purely a function of population density.

For example: Number of plotted sightings in and around Birmingham, AL, a metropolitan area of nearly 850,000 people? Zero

Number of plotted sightings in and around Birmingham, AL, a metropolitan area of nearly 340,000 people? Zero

But does this mean there are no lights or people living in Birmingham or Montgomery, AL? Of course not...

Please take note that together, these two metropolitan areas account for over 25% of the state's population, but account for 0% of the plotted sightings.

Yet Mobile, AL, which accounts for less than 5% of the state's population is home to 25% of the reported sightings in the state!

Or how deos one explain that the number of sightings in little 'ol Mobile (a city of less than 200,000 people) accounted for exactly as many sightings as St. Louis, a metropolitan region with a population of over 3 million people?

Anyway, these are but a couple of the examples which nullify the hypothesis that the distribution of reported UFO sightings is just a simple function of population density... as this is simply not the case as evidenced by the data.

Hope this recap helps...

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:05 PM
Excellant work! That's gunna be such valuable resource! What I find facinating is the fact that most of the sightting occur on the coastlines.. Does anybody have a hypothesis for why ufos who perfer the coastline over the rest of the country? Let me try and rack my brain for an answer...hmm

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