Originally posted by AlwaysLearning
Don't you understand....Bin Laden is part of them.
Again, the problem with this is that, they made this plan, then decided to put it on teh 20 dollar bill
years before the actual attack? And
this, importantly, requires that teh people who designed the bill
were directly invovled in the planning of the attacks. Its not like
'logos' with satanic symbolism in it where the 'evil conspiracy heads' can merely approve or slightly influence the design, the design is
intricate enough, in the matter of the WTC and pentagon images, that it would require that, if it was planned, that it had to be directly designed by
people with the knowledge of it. IOW find the names of the designers and you have the conspirators themselves. But, since its not designed, they
aren't invovled in it. Also, the 'USAMA" bit is quite a joke no? The USAMA comes out, not because of the moneys design, but merely because the
letters are in order in a bigger word and the other letters are simply covered up by folding. ANd the bigger word is United States of America. Thats
absurd to suggest that the founding fathers were in on the conspiracy hundreds of years before bin ladin was born and washington was the capitol and
there was anything conceivably like sky scrapers and a world trade center. And yet its entered as equal evidence along with the 'images' of the
And we're all too stupid to see it...and those that do see it are said to be nuts and paranoid.
Thinking that there is a great evil conspiracy that plans and controls everything
is paranoid.
but how many strange coincidences do there need to be before people...all people...stand up and say WTF???
Coincidences are meaningless because they are coincidences, and espeically in this case its meaningless because it requires that the designers of the
world trade center attack be the designers of the 20 dollar bill, and heck also the people who came up with the name "United States of America"
Does that mean that the clue for a national treasure could also be true
It was a movie.
though he and the Bush's were said to be close at that time.
The expansive Bin Ladin clan, with its extensive corporate dealings, had some business dealings with the Bush family, along with hundreds of other
families. THe Bushes are involved in the oil business, is it any surprise that they have business connections with rich saudis?
What more proof do the masses need to notice that we are NOT crazy,
This lunacy practicaly demonstrates that the people who beleive it are infact crazy or at a minumum very irrational and paranoid. Look at whats
presented, especially "OSAMA". Thats absolutely meaningless, yet its now being cited as absolute evidence of the dark secret conspiracy. Look at
the WTC image and what its made from. The wings of a building which has trees around it. It requires a dark evil conspiracy to make it so these two
wings can be folded to lay next to each other? And the Pentagon image, its just a small rectangle with more of these trees, it doesn't require
'intricate design' and a vast shadow government. And look at the timing. This super powerful conspiracy has been connected with the bin ladin
family for so long, had plotted the thing way back when that bill was designed, but just, for no particularly good reason, sat ontheir hands, after
releaseing the images, for years before doing the attack? Bin ladins group, operating out of the mountains of afghanistan, sure, it could take them
years to train pilots and get passports and smuggle them into the US and then do it, but this evil conspiracy would only have to pick the flights.
Also, if the design is 'intracate' and can't be a coincidence, then people would have to have noted these things
before the attacks. These
images are only 'found' after the attacks and after people started really looking for ways to 'support' this idea of a conspiracy.