posted on Jun, 14 2017 @ 10:11 AM
This is my opinion on the state of affairs today regarding the "New World Order", I believe that it's in full swing as the agenda goes but how far
away are we from the "End Game" or the agenda that was set out by neoliberals, the banking, financial and war machine cartels?
Well, with the current world apathy towards right-wing extremism and the West with the backing of the majority of its electorate, such as Trump US and
May UK, Trump with wall and Moab's, May with Hard Brexit, austerity and wanting to do away with human rights, I'd say the NWO is really happening
before our very eye's
Middle eastern wars by the west have all had some if not all reasons : banking, gold, oil, drugs or strategic control as the motives but definitely
not to spread democracy and save them from themselves, proof is the story of "WMD in Iraq" by Bush and Tory Bliar
There isn't a western country not affected by right-wing governments or austerity, demonstration's and riots are common place
I believe psychological warfare is being used against us every day of our lives, media lies and smears...every terrorist that attacked in the UK have
been born in the UK and had links to British intelligence agency's...coincidence?! Just old psychological warfare tactics being used today
as a powerful tool to push this NWO agenda, I see martial law in many countries around the world and see it coming to a western country near you very
The 2011 UK census was contracted to Lockheed Martin btw if any of you didn't know...the same company that get private and government contracts to
teach and administer martial law...How very convenient I must say