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My Reptilian Abduction

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posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Now, I am still going to ask you the same question as before. That is, why did you look back at your unconscious friend and call for him, at the moment the lizard guard was approaching you and was probably some 2 feet away from you. You were geared up for fighting - the fight response - but what gave at that point? Are you actually going to answer this question this time?

-----It was a reflex action, all i did was call his name and look at him! it only took a second and i already answered that many times. it seemed like the best idea as i felt i couldnt take on both of them at same time.
he was 4 feet from me when i turned in a second he was 3 feet then 2 feet.

[edit on 6-2-2005 by Indigo_Child]

------Ps i just got 3 seperate warnings fro qouting you so ask 1 question at a time PLEASE from here on ........

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
Im not crazy so no i wouldnt tell them this.

If you are not crazy, then the rational thing to do would be to see a professional to confirm it. The irrational, 'crazy' thing to do would be to not see a professional about it.

----look guy, im not mental why dont you go see a shrink for no reason.
If you tell them my story and they dont lock you up ill go. ok

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
I felt they were from earth as they were reptiles and what i see outside my house daily soo.......i made that logical assumtion however that is also in brackets as speculation...

I'd have to say that, and lets just hypothetically accept everything as having occured as described, that these things are most certainly not terrestrial, becuase they have characteristics that are completely alien to any reptiles on earth, even outside of high intelligence.

-----Oh really what characteristics do you describe?

What Temperature was it in the ship also? I don't recall reading if it was very warm or very cool.

-----73-75 f

as for the pictures chase drew he never saw them he guessed

Hmm, becuase it at least says that he based his drawings on what he was told about them from people claiming to be abducted, and if there is such a similiarity between your drawings and his, such that the UFO group thought your drawing was one of his actual drawings, then that 'correspondence' would be interesting.

-------See i was correct!

but most mock me for having dissimular images from that of a guy who guessed

They stated you had the exact same image.

-------no this was another post that i reffered to...

Ive just started to reaslise it myself how special my case is.

Have you contacted any of the people who were abducted by reptilians that Chace interviewed in order to get his drawings?

------no give me their numbers....

they are not nice thats all i will say about it,
read other reptoid abduction cases, whats mine missing?

Why do you think that they didn't do to you what they did to others?

-----That was a hint towards something I WILL NOT SPEAK OF TO DISBELIVERS.
thanks for info Dawnaj ill look into it but thats off topic right now.

[edit on 6-2-2005 by Nygdan]

PLEASE ASK 1 thats ONE question at a time, im getting warnings just answering your 6 questions!

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 05:30 PM
Lizard you should send your story to this guy [email protected] hes got a reptilian encounter site you should tell him to put your on it:

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 05:52 PM
No way man he is a reptile lover by his own words, even volentarilly,
Im total opposite in belifes and attitude towards them for good reason.

I didnt send my story to icke either ,
i dont want to give them the privalege of twisting my story towards there agendas which i disagree with currently until proven otherwise.

But John Rhodes i did, see he has no agenda other than to make people aware of these creatures, which i agree with....

Thanks any how, people send me chanelling stuff too but i dont agree with its accuracy either towards these things....

It must be funny to you all to see me tell of reptoids on one hand and disagree with other reptoid belivers however these people mostly never saw one firsthand..... i did, so if i disagree its not what i saw, so thats what i say.

IMHO, i can match details from my experience against other alleged stories and if they have too many false things or statements in them i dont belive they know what they are talking about...

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 05:58 PM
This guy doesnt just claim to have seen one he claims he is one. I can see Icke is trying to make money off all of this but I dont see this guy having any agenda, why do you think he does?

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:19 PM
Nygan, your logic itself sounds crazy. Rational people go to see shrinks, irrational people dont? Wrong.

Many rational people refuse to see a psychiatrist or "mental health professional" because its all in itself questionable science. Yoiur veiled insults against lizardsamok are pretty sad, and irrational in themselves. The constant refrences to drugs are also cheap and silly really.

I dont believe nor disbelieve his story, Im still in a grey area. But Im certainly not going to blindly attack his sgtory just cuz its weird, Ill wait until further information.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
This guy doesnt just claim to have seen one he claims he is one. I can see Icke is trying to make money off all of this but I dont see this guy having any agenda, why do you think he does?

david icke claims he is one? lol stop my side hurts, lol
I had no idea about that, but it re-enforces why i dont read his articles.

I think his agenda is getting money thru half truths of the real situation,
which is very frieghtning and exciting at same time....

The thing i read of his was the bloodtypes and hybrids it cuaght my eye as it had some half truth to it, but most of it was sensationalized mis information and twisting of facts, to down right lies!

for instance :

1. "Full-blood" reptilians using an apparent human form to hide their true nature.

2. "Hybrids" or reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines, who are possessed by reptilians from the fourth dimension.

3. Reptilians who manifest directly in this dimension, but can't hold that state indefinitely.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


I could start a whole thread on the blood connections correlating to abductees as all are negative and most are O negative, like me.

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:46 PM
What does blood type have to do with anything?

Im B Negative, and have not experienced any abductions. My mother is also B negative, and might have experienced abductions, ect.

Please provide some sort of link or something to base blood type on abductions?

Majority of people abducted are not of any blood type frequency,

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 06:53 PM
Like i said i could start a whole thread on that..... so i will now.

here ya go.....

elf"Majority of people abducted are not of any blood type frequency, "

what proof of that statment do you have, any links on it you could provide, or are you just guessing with no evidence?

[edit on 6-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 11:37 PM
I have known lizzardsamok (well that’s not what we called him) for going on 18 years... All he wants to do is make people aware of them... you may not believe him. but why are you all trying to make him deny that this had happened...I was not with him that night but I know who was. Sure we all have had our good and bad times in our lives that change us...but when this happened it was a life changer....the description he gives here was the same as when it happened a little over 11years ago. It happened while I was in the Air-Force. When I came home to visit, I was not prepared for what he had to say. Yeah at first I thought he was pulling somethinhg over on me for leaving down south. but we never brought it up again and frankly just never seemed to even come up again until this past few months. I just hope that people will at least hear him out and prepare themselves. I know I have.

[edit on 6-2-2005 by aymbt]

[edit on 6-2-2005 by aymbt]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 12:20 AM

Have you been particularly "lucky" at finding money & other keepsakes(accidentally) throughout your life?


posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:29 AM
Lizzardsamok, have you given any further thought to your experience in regards why the beings were not violent/lethal and spared both of you, on reflection? can you get your mate to write up his account of the event please?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:50 AM
ambyt is a friend also
i asked him to talk to others here to back me up
he knows other guy and me since i was 16 i think,
we were neihbors for many years ,
the one who was with me has lost contact with us,
so dont expect it anytime soon and he probably wouldnt be willing to chat with anyone about it, especially as candidly as i do.
however my other old friend AMBYT is willing to speak.

They were violent !

no , nothing like that, why?

[edit on 7-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
PLEASE ASK 1 thats ONE question at a time, im getting warnings just answering your 6 questions!

Just don't set the whole thing up as a full quote.

You need to delete any portions you aren't responding directly to. And at the end of the quoted sentence you respond to type [/QUOTE] to 'end the quote', but type it in lower case. THen you add your response. Each sentence that you respond to needs to have [QUOTE] in front to let the system know you to present it in the 'light blue box' and [/QUOTE] to let it know where the box would start.

You are getting warnings because it looks like you are hitting 'quote' and then just responding in general, because everything is in the light blue quote box.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
----look guy, im not mental why dont you go see a shrink for no reason.
If you tell them my story and they dont lock you up ill go. ok

You won't get 'locked up'. They'd evaluate you and determine if you have any psychological problems. Look you are the one seeing flying tenticle sprouting space ships and kung fu lizards. I'm just saying, if it did happen, a rational person would want to verify from a professional that they don't have any mental health problem.

Oh really what characteristics do you describe?

? I am saying lizzards don't have the ability to display emotion because of the musculature of their 'faces'. Their faces are 'fixed' so to speak. That would support that they are not 'terrestrial', along with thier non existence in the fossil record.

73-75 f

Intersting, thats rather warm, not 'too warm' tho. See I thought I pertinent because I would expect that these things would, being intelligent, therefore having large brains, and therefore requiring a high metabolism, would have a high internally generated body tempurate, ie be warm blooded and not require it to be very warm. 75ish tho isn't particularly informative either way tho.

See i was correct!

Well, according to the UFO group you have his actual picture, I haven't seen any of his pictures, I'd say you should look his book up and try to verify that.

no give me their numbers

Why haven't you been able to do this yourself? You said you were not here to 'convince' anyone or anything like that but wanted to talk to people who had had similar experiences. This Chace guy apparently knows many people who have been abducted by reptillians, and apparenlty they describe the reptilian exactly as you have, and yet you haven't tried to contact any of them or him? Well what is it you want then?

That was a hint towards something I WILL NOT SPEAK OF TO DISBELIVERS.

Ok so what was it?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Rational people go to see shrinks, irrational people dont? Wrong.

One of the things that 'lunatics' do is insist that they are not infact crazy.

Many rational people refuse to see a psychiatrist or "mental health professional" because its all in itself questionable science.

Many people don't get picked up by cow chopping aliens and fight with giant lizard people either.

Yoiur veiled insults against lizardsamok are pretty sad,

You're pretty sad if you think that any of it was an insult.

The constant refrences to drugs are also cheap and silly really.

I made one reference to drugs, and that was because the people at the party acted like people on drugs who thought that he was making up the story to 'mess' with them, or to try to 'bug them out', rather than sober people who had been given a disturbing story. It was neither cheap nor silly, and infact anyone who doesn't ask, openly and honestly, if drugs were involved in anyway when there is a truly bizzare and disturbing story like that is the one who is 'cheap and silly'.

But Im certainly not going to blindly attack his sgtory just cuz its weird,

I have in no way attacked his story. I have tried to examine and understand it.

I dont believe nor disbelieve his story, Im still in a grey area [...] Ill wait until further information.

Good for you. And I care because....?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by aymbt
the description he gives here was the same as when it happened a little over 11years ago.

I thought it happened less then 10 years ago?

It happened while I was in the Air-Force.

What is your relation to the subjects involved and what has been your experience with the story and events?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
----look guy, im not mental why dont you go see a shrink for no reason.
If you tell them my story and they dont lock you up ill go. ok

You won't get 'locked up'. They'd evaluate you and determine if you have any psychological problems. Look you are the one seeing flying tenticle sprouting space ships and kung fu lizards. I'm just saying, if it did happen, a rational person would want to verify from a professional that they don't have any mental health problem.


May I suggest some research into existing studies regarding your very question?

Here's a study conducted by Katharine Holden and Christopher French of the University of London, which was published in a journal entitled Cognitive Neuropsychiatry in 2002 ---> Click here. While it turns out this link will redirect you to the publisher's seach engine, this article will be easy to find (V.2,I.3 in 2002).

Or, for an automatic download of the PDF version of this article, click here.

According to their study, "It is concluded that there is currently no convincing evidence for higher rates of serious psychopathology amongst abductees compared to the general population."

And while the following sentence states that reported abductees tend to dissassociate to a greater degree then the general population, I ask everyone -- is this not in fact a common reaction by anyone who has experienced a psychologically traumatizing event?

Thus, I ask you: If one accepts the conclusions drawn from the actual scientific research conducted on the subject, why does LA have any more reason to seek out a mental health professional, then say, yourself?

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner
why does LA have any more reason to seek out a mental health professional, then say, yourself?

Because he is stating that he was picked up by an alien space ship and fought against reptilian aliens. Regardless of the incidence of psychosis amoung abductees that practically demands that he see a mental health professional.

Why the 'fear' in seeing one? What is going to happen? They will evaluate, and be able to objectively say if there is a serious chemical/neuro-pyschological imbalance, and be able to make much more subjective conclusions of 'psychological soundness'. But even then they need not be listened to. They aren't going to lock him up because of the story, they might analyse him, biologically and psychologically, and say that there is nothing wrong with him, outside of this singular instance of what they might say is delusional, or they might conclude that he's simply lying. What of it? He doesn't have to follow thru with any treatment, take anti-psychotic drugs or anything of the sort. A psychologist can certainly be wrong, closed minded, heck, irrational themselves.

But to claim that one saw these things, and then see no reason to see a psych of some sorts, it just seems to be a completely irrational thing to do. A reasonable person would say, 'man, that was whacked, they couldn't've been a delusion. But aren't people that are delusional convinced themselves that it happened? Maybe I'll get my head shrunk, at least on a preliminary level, to make sure everything checks out'

Is it so unreasonable to suggest that? Besides ther is more to the story anyway, stuff that he's specifically leaving out, heck he even said he won't tell 'unbeleivers'. Is it possible that those things that he is hiding, if they were revealed, might lead one to conclude, 'oh, you really should see a psych'? I mean, a person who is paranoid and thinks that 'someone' is out to get them (for example, obviously it doesn't apply here) do you think that perhaps they might not really be the victims of a plot, but in fact are suffering from clinical paranoia? If they were acting rational they'd want to eliminate that possibility, hence my thinking along the lines that not wanting to eliminate that possibility means that they are behaving irrationally, and that there might be more to that.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Why the 'fear' in seeing one? What is going to happen? Is it so unreasonable to suggest that?

In all fairness, I honestly believe everyone can benefit from some degree of behavioral improvement/modification in their personal life (including you and I), and IMHO professional psychologists are wonderful resources to help facilitate the accomplishment of such a goal.

So, to answer your question, in the aforementioend context, it is by no means "unreasonable."

However, if you are in fact stating that he should seek out a professional psychologist because he had an unusual experience, then yes, as per the referenced scientific study, I would most definitely say it is unreasonable.

Please read the study when you find the time.

Lastly, I ask, is this your "professional" opinion, i.e., are you a practicing and/or licensed mental health professional?

If not, then I must ask why you believe you are qualified to offer him such advice?

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