Let's see . . . I'm a magician, T-Rex enthusiast, card collector, musician, (mainly drums . . . I mean, "percussion". )
Gamer (League of
Legends, Paladins, former WOW player) and I have recently found a passion for Mathematics. I've always had an appreciation for Maths because I
understood it was the universal language and if humans were ever contacted by Extraterrestrial life then Mathematics would almost certainly be the
language in which we would communicate with one another.
However, I (like so many others) fell victim to the belief that we were terrible at Maths. "I'm bad at Maths" has almost taken upon itself a certain
level of comradery. Maths is the only subject where being "bad" at it is worn like a badge of honor. This needs to change. It's detrimental to
children and adults.
It becomes a self fulling prophecy eventually and then you have an unfair dislike for Mathematics. I learned that I am good at Maths, no, it's not
always easy and can be very challenging, but this is when we learn the most in any subject. It can be frustrating as hell but once you make the
connection where it all finally makes sense it's a great feeling which becomes addictive.
I take the majority of conspiracies with a grain of salt. The 2 major ones I will cover quickly by saying that I absolutely
DO NOT believe in
the official story as given by the 9/11 Commission Report when it comes to the events of (obviously) 9/11. And I do not necessarily buy the official
narrative of Sandy Hook, although I do believe children did die.
I'm in my late 30's, have many tattoo's, a half-sleeve and others here and there on my body. I use to have many piercings and had to remove the
majority of them for safety concerns as I worked as a bouncer (I would say "security" but why be pretentious?) for the better part of 8 years putting
myself through college between the ages of 22-29.
That was an interesting job. LOL I second guessed my decision on taking the job on my first day when I found myself holding a strange girls hair in
the women's bathroom while she violently puked as 2 Police officers were questioning her boyfriend just outside the stall.
I was thinking "I didn't sign up for this . . ." Haha
For anyone interested about the story behind my username it is because I play a Champion by the name of Tryndamere on League of Legends (PvP PC game)
and one of his abilities "Mocking Shout" (W key . . . hence the signature) decreases an enemy champs physical damage for a duration and if their back
is turned their movement speed is slowed also.
The slow produces the icon of a Chicken above their head and it makes a Chicken sound kind of like "BHAWWWK!!!" and therefore my username.
That's enough about me, I'm glad to be here and I am looking forward to conversing with you all.
edit on 12-6-2017 by BHAWWWK because: