posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 02:16 AM
July 14, 2017
President Trump was right (yes...AGAIN).
""So let us rack up yet another failure for overbearing, over-reaching ex-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara. His zeal often made him more of a menace to
democracy than the pols he went after in his vicious climb to the middle.
On Thursday, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit overturned Bharara's takedown of former Assembly Speaker — another highlight
of his low-life career.
Bharara knows how to spin his losses into triumphs quicker and more effectively even than Donald Trump — but the media unblinkingly believes
Bharara. After the ruling, he had the shamelessness to tweet, "The evidence was strong. The Supreme Court changed the law."