Please, bear the strange introduction, patience is the key to this topic.
Isis is depicted as the
mother of Horus, the falcon-headed deity associated with
king and kingship .
She has the same position as Saturn, the
father of Jupiter. Yes the
king Jupiter.
Isis is known in the Torah as Binah(understanding): “For you shall call Understanding a Mother.”
If you remember Satan is derived from Saturn, thus if you have followed my thoughts here, Satan is "The Primordial Mother".
The eternal Yin. However Lǎozǐ was not the only one to acknowledge in the ancient world the fact that the feminine principle is of greater power
than the masculine, all scholars, yogis, priests and shamans knew it, in one way or another.
And here we finish the introduction part, as we already stumbled over the core of this thesis.
Power. Feminine power. Money! Lots of money and
If you want to possess money, you need to serve them as well. It's contract signed in blood, metaphorically said, because once on this way the
magician is bound with his demon. If he stayed away and did not delivered for the empowerment of the demon in the world, he would lose all the power
the demon granted him, thus the metaphor of "bleeding".
If you want money, understand where money come from, than serve that thing, and money will flow into your pocket. However, the contract had been
signed...Yet beware, what you do, you become. Thus, the ones who serve Satan become Satan. In flesh.
We know the living Satans, "The thugs from the temple" imposing by the media and education systems of the World an ethic model of behaviour, based
solely on feminine principles: "serve", "accept", "cooperate", "conspire", "compassion", "form(material goods)", etc.
All masculine behaviour is outlawed or ridiculed: "fight", "honor", "retaliate", "lead", "discipline", "glory(spiritual goods)" etc. ...are socially
This however serves well their purpose. The more people in the world worship(even without knowing) the ways of Saturn(Satan), the stronger will be the
dominance in the hands of the already rich, who are like Satan's representatives on Earth, derived by the sole fact that they the hold the Money(form,
essence) of the world.
However if you have at least basic understanding(irony, here) of Traditional Chinese Medicine and general thought, you would know the key to
everything is balance. Yet if balance is achieved worldwide, the same people who are dominating right now, will be at best equal to all others. Heh...
They don't like this idea very much, it hurts their Satanic hearts like trail-truck's tires would hurt a wet frog over a hot Missouri highway...
Who would win in this scheme is the question some ask... I would dare to ask another question instead... Who would drive that truck, buddy?
edit on 8-6-2017 by Argentbenign because: (no reason given)