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Tyrannosaurus rex had scaly skin and wasn’t covered in feathers, a new study says

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posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 02:55 AM
It is mostly only a recent concept in thinking that dinosaurs had feathers. a reply to: the owlbear

The Albert Oil finds dinosaur mummy is pretty significant to appearance evidence. Have you checked that out?

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 04:44 AM
The truth behind what transpired in the past is suppressed by what the government want you to know,scientist's as created in colleges,univ,taught a certain curriculum,so all they do is what they are taught,if they stray from what the Govt says,they are kooks,too much conformity,and if you really study findings they are based on speculation,rather then hard facts

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 04:44 AM
The truth behind what transpired in the past is suppressed by what the government want you to know,scientist's as created in colleges,univ,taught a certain curriculum,so all they do is what they are taught,if they stray from what the Govt says,they are kooks,too much conformity,and if you really study findings they are based on speculation,rather then hard facts

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: seasonal

We want our T Rexes leathery and scaly. No flouncing around like a dinosaur Liberace in a feather coat.

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: SilverOwls

Idk man. Those conceptual pieces with a down covered rex, a cuddly #ing rex giant dodo with scary teeth, pretty awesome.

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: MaryaNoxx
a reply to: SilverOwls

Idk man. Those conceptual pieces with a down covered rex, a cuddly #ing rex giant dodo with scary teeth, pretty awesome.

Like a big, fried bacon sandwich. You know it'll kill you and can't resist going over for a closer look

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:14 AM
So back to the first way I was told to envision them then eh?

Good I liked the visual of a scaly rex vs a feathered rex.


posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: seagull

I remember hearing a few years ago that they were thinking birds were descendents of the dinosaurs due to foot structure, but I don't remember hearing anything about a T-Rex having feathers. Like I said, that's a new one on me.

As others have stated, they don't really know, beyond skeletal remains, what the dinosaurs looked like. Hell, I grew up being told that dinosaurs were basically giant lizards. The bird thing didn't come along until recently.
edit on 7-6-2017 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:37 AM
Last I heard the young Rex's had downy feathers that they lost as they got older... So now they're saying none at all again?

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: the owlbear
Nearly all of the outward appearance of dinosaurs is conjecture, a shoulder-shrugged guess, or worse yet, some *hole scientist writing his opinion down as fact.

It's as simple as this...


It's just too hard for people to say we don't know something and quite possibly will never have the technology available to do so...

I totally agree and think it goes quite farther than that. I find it quite fanciful how scientists find a single bone fragment or two and then create an entire new species with full skeleton and outward appearance and such.

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 11:07 AM
wow the replys lol
we sure do know what many looked like ( not skin color but the FACT if they had feathers ( which were NOT for flying but modified hair ) or scales .
Many many fossils are of the skin and feathers many .
As for there mating habits wile we cant turn on the tv and watch them live we also have know a great amount about it anyway .
Finding a field full of duck billed dinos nesting site tells you alottttt
They lived in groups they helped each other care for young they cared for young beyond the egg stage .
T rex was a loner mostly a scavenger ( yea sucks ) who had scales not feathers had warm blood like a bird and bone structer like one as well .
museums are full of the stuff go study your self
some we guess at alot we just will never know but just as much there is little dout left on .

posted on Jun, 8 2017 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
Well to be honest I never even knew they thought it had feathers! Shows how much I know. It was a land animal didn't fly so why would it have feathers?

Evolution demands that dinosaurs has feathers to justify dinosaurs evolving into birds and flying away

Your willful ignorance of evolution never ceases to amaze.

There is plenty of speculative evidence dinos didnt have feathers, just doesnt help evolution theory or scientists receiving grants.

There's also plenty of concrete evidence that many species did have feathers (or feather like structures).

It's crazy that in 2017, some people still don't believe in evolution. Clinging to the belief that some invisible man in the sky created everything 5,000 years ago. Even though science has proven again and again that our planet is over 4.5 billion years old. T-Rex has always been my favorite. Regardless of what it looked like, it was the most terrifying creature to ever roam our planet.

posted on Jul, 14 2017 @ 02:41 PM
I never once thought T-Rexes had feathers and not scales. Did anybody think that really?

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