What do you think are the reasons many British or European Muslims run away to join the circus? Radicalisation? Hatred? Religion?
Well none of the above
It seems one of the main reasons is actually sex....or lack of it.
As many as 800 British Muslims are suspected of joining ISIS with around half returning. From that 400 only 14 have been jailed with the rest being
left to roam and possibly join other extremist groups or indoctrinate others. Many have been forced to escape, some are let loose to spread the
doctrine, many surrender.
Now, let's think for a moment, if these were true believers, true Jihadists who hated the West, radicalised to the point of giving up everything and
risking their lives for their beliefs, why would they want to return or escape or surrender?
The truth is evidence has emerged that many British & European Muslims join ISIS for sex. Yup that's one of the only reasons. Sex and drugs and maybe
not rock & roll but hero status. However,many that run off bags packed full of condoms are realising that once there, all the recruitment videos full
of wild claims handsome men seeking loving wives and booty & loot,were just a scam and the reality is nothing like what they were lead to believe.
Why is sex drugs and hero status the main attraction for these Muslims? It boils down once again to lack of integration and the difficulties in living
in a 2 culture home. Many of the younger generation Muslims in Britain (probably the same goes throughout Europe) have white English friends. However,
they are told by their parents Imams and the like that this is wrong. Not only that but they see there non Muslims friends going out on a week-end
going to the pub or club, having girlfriends, talking about sex and they are excluded. The feel left out and are unable to communicate on a social
level as they have been taught that sex before marriage is wrong and drinking smoking drugs are wrong, in fact most freedoms we enjoy in the West are
wrong and against Islam's teachings. This results in envy and a lack of social cohesion between the Muslims and the non Muslims. Friendships can't
be formed on a deeper level as there is little by way of common denominator. The Muslim teens are trying to live two lives to which they don't feel
they belong to either. This is why over years the drug trade and prostitute trade have gravitated into the hands of young Muslims....they may not be
allowed sex and drugs but they will damn well control it!!
ISIS offer all of the above. As much sex as you have the energy for drugs to make you feel good and camaraderie with like minded people who allegedly
understand you and your internal struggle. They feel like they belong. They feel heroic and heroes get the girls. Its the biggest baddest gang in the
world as has been shown by Channel 4's program Extremely British Muslims. And this isn't just a Muslim male issue either, the number of girls
running off to Syria has trebled in recent years, attracted to the hero fighter and the boys lap it up standing for pictures with their AK47 going
"Look at me now girls look how sexy I am how tough" and of course the "honour and respect" they will allegedly receive for having "Babies for
ISIS" and populating the Caliphate. It should be noted that quite often the contrast between the women willingly joining ISIS and the men is drastic.
The men are often young pretty stupid badly educated and join for the machismo, the women join for the honour and are usually far more idealistic than
the men and many are far better educated. This goes back to what I said in another thread about women being the driving force in terrorist attacks
whether hands on or not.
Women joining Isis
Most if not all of these kids are not hardened street fighters or ex military or mercenaries, but really quite weak people. We have all seen pictures
of for example the Manchester bomber kid. Hardly the poster boy for ISIS recruitment. Many are lonely awkward people that turn to ISIS to improve
their status and "get the girls" because the fact is they probably wouldn't back home in Blighty anyway.
It has been stated by various outlets that many need to escape severe sexual frustration. They are surrounded in the West by sexuality sexual images
pornography and of course access to the internet. Many suicide bombers were both drug and porn addicts and/or regular prostitute users. What does this
tell us? That as a species we are very sexual creatures and by denying that need, we create problems. This of course doesn't just include the Muslim
world but the religious world too. Denying priests marriage & sex creates the well publicised paedophilic Catholic priest image, denying sex to prison
inmates leads to "gay" prison sex men that don't get sex rape etc etc
Alyas Karmani an Imam from Bradford has taken on the arduous and possibly dangerous task of preaching and teaching the Muslim community about sex and
trying to get the Muslims to open up and stop their denial regarding all things sexual. Dr Karmani mentions that 80% of Imams are born outside the UK
and have little knowledge of the communities they preach in. He recalls asking an Imam when he was 15 about sex urges and was told to "stop eating
dates and raisins"! He states he gets hostility from Muslims who believe he is undermining the very tenets of Islam. That kind of mentality is
partially to blame for the situation the younger generation of British Muslims are in today, the don't mention the "S" word and it will go away.
Is it any wonder really why we have these "homegrown" terrorists? Until the Muslims in Britain and Europe decide for themselves that they DO belong
in their country of choice and they DO need to re-think their interpretation of Islam, the status quo will remain
(sorry no pretty pictures for those that don't like to read a lot
The Islamic Sex Doctor
Sex & British Muslims
Drugs of Choice