posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to:
I don't really give a damn if you're so desperate to victimize this clown that you make up reasons to dismiss a direct quote of him.
I didn't dismiss the quote he said, I asked you whether you think he'd talk about his militia so openly if you thought he had any sinister intentions.
He also talks about his militia near the end of the lecture I posted, and there is nothing about what he says to indicate he plans to commit any
violent acts, in fact he specifically states that he hopes his militia will never be faced with that situation. Furthermore, I see nothing wrong with
what he said, true liberty means the right to form a citizen militia, the right to put any substance you wish into your body, etc.
I'm sorry but I just cannot take the side of people who seem to have used every under handed tactic in the book to get this guy. Don't get me wrong I
usually believe what the FBI has to say, but in this case we're relying on a former drug dealer as the mole and apparently he kidnapped Cox's family,
I mean seriously, that's just wrong. Here's a question for you: why didn't they use the 2-for-1 tape recording when the case was taken to the federal
level, the article clearly states the recordings were deemed legal under federal law... yet they relied on witness accounts to convince the jury,
isn't that odd.
edit on 5/6/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)