posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 11:44 AM
Hi all,
I guess there is a limit on which forums you can post in as a new member?
I have a video that I would like to process and wondered if anyone had any advice on which (preferably free) software I could use to enhance it and
what type of filters I should be looking to apply.
Some background on the incident:
I saw a large silvery object hovering in the distance about 4 or 5 KM away, probably about 100 metres or so off the ground between what appeared to be
power lines (all guesstimates). At first I thought it was some sort of airship and ignored it but thought I would video it anyway using my phone.
Anyway, when reviewing the video the object wasn't there! I am 100% sure it was there and would like to filter it for analysis.
I left the footage untouched and it was only today that it crossed my mind so I thought I would do a search for airships being used in the area. This
turned up nothing so my curiosity is starting to grow. I am quite a rational person (I like to think) so I am looking for closure as much as
Where else to turn apart from ATS! A site that has entertained me for many years as a lurker. Any help from you guys would be much appreciated.