"Three parts apple and two parts cinnamon!", screamed Clinton as Comey scrambled to mix the eggs in time. "It's not my fault", Clinton railed, "that
young 'ung' devoured that shipment of apples meant tomorrow for Putin and gave us pears!" Merkil broke rank in the UN and declared Trump an
instagator, "Donald, we needed that French accord to stop Hillary from blaming Putin for the lack of granny smith appleS" Trump didn't budge and said,
"we'll just build a wall around the White House kitchens to stop young "un" from invading the fridge. Clinton looked over in disgust and wondered what
would've happened if she'd blamed Bill for her loss instead of comey. Trump replied with...
edit on 6/4/2017 by EternalSolace because: Smile! The pie is a lie!