+2 more
posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 05:21 AM
He stood up stretched his body and looked at his watch. It was four o’ clock in the morning still dark, but in the distance he already saw the first
light. He started to work on Sunday night when usually everyone else sleeping already. Not if it mattered, he was in the middle of nowhere at least a
half mile away from the closest house.
He just finished the last part of the job thinking how well it went. He was getting better and better.
‘Under four hours, this must be a record‘ he said out loud to himself. This was his best creation so far and he did similar things hundreds of
times, all over the world for a long time.
It was getting easier as better technology appeared almost day by day. He remembered his very first work, with a small group of people decades ago.
For the five of them it took almost all night, but worth it as people were talk about the product for many years coming. They did that by hand, very
hard work with extreme precision. None of them alive anymore besides him, he made sure of that.
He worked alone now with sophisticated technology and no unnecessary witnesses. This was his secret forever. With the right tools all he had to do was
write and upload a program into his laptop. Then his laptop would program and handle the twenty small drones each carried a machine that creates an
ultrasound which able to bend crops without breaking it.
As he packed everything back to their cases and started to carry them to his car parked farther away, he was smiling to himself. He felt he has the
best hobby ever. An expensive one but knowing that he was responsible for all the crop circles around the world made it worth the costs.
He reached his car, put away the boxes and got in. Started the engine and while whistling the melody of the TV show X-files, he drove away towards the
rising sun.
The End