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Why is Aspartame still on the market?

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posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Did you guys even read the links I provided, i wouldn't een handle that crap much less drink consume it.

Twitchy...I read your stuff. Very good material!

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 05:53 AM
what is a neuro toxin?what can it do to you?look it up on the net you find loads of info.Formaldehyde mmmm thats so good for your system.better food chain practices will lead to better health.until companies start to stop recycling chemicals into our food chain.we are just human toilets.

link info

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 11:49 PM
Two definitions I pulled off of

Neurotoxin -

"A toxin that damages or destroys nerve tissue."

"a poisonous protein complex that acts on the nervous system"


posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Neurotoxin -

"A toxin that damages or destroys nerve tissue."

"a poisonous protein complex that acts on the nervous system"


My wife drinks tons of Aspartame laced drinks and I'm trying to get her to stop. She's addicted to them. She stopped for a few days and got cranky like she was quitting cigarettes or heroin or something.....

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
My wife drinks tons of Aspartame laced drinks and I'm trying to get her to stop. She's addicted to them. She stopped for a few days and got cranky like she was quitting cigarettes or heroin or something.....

It's tough... took me a number of months to stop completely... the trick is you can never go back. I pretty much just drink soda water with a twist when we're out... my wife makes fun of me, but it's better than all the diet pepsi I used to drink. The thing is, after you stop drinking aspartame for a while and you drink it again, you can really taste it...
I used to think it tasted good... now I think it tastes like chemicals.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 11:10 PM
Funny how things can taste bad, when they used to taste good.

I wish I could get my mom to drink something else than diet soda. I hear that carbonated soda fizz when she cracks the bottle, and it just tears me up. Over and over and over, even for breakfast. Popping pills for headaches and pains in her side.

I think some people might be suprised at the difference if they just weeded the artificial food additives out of their diet.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
Popping pills for headaches and pains in her side. Troy

Sounds like simple dehydration to me. It's the caffeine, not the aspartame. People who are addicted to caffeine tend to replace water with coffee and soda, and then the extra caffeine causes them to urinate more frequently, so it’s a double edged sword. The biggest symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration are headaches, sharp pain in your side, and lower back pain.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 05:57 PM

It's the caffeine, not the aspartame. People who are addicted to caffeine tend to replace water with coffee and soda, and then the extra caffeine causes them to urinate more frequently, so it’s a double edged sword. The biggest symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration are headaches, sharp pain in your side, and lower back pain. just can't admit that there may be some serious problems with Aspartame even with all the evidence presented on this thread. I find that amusing and sad. I wonder if you work for Coke or Pepsi or something? Or maybe for the company that makes the poison Nutrasweet. Drinking wood alcohol which is in Aspartame would also cause dehydration and headaches. And the other 2 poisons in Aspartame of course have many more side effects which have already been listed on this post and I certainly don't need to list them again.

But sure's just the Caffeine, not the poisons!! Ya, okay!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 10:44 PM
Mom drinks diet Sprite mainly, so I cann't really say it's caffeine. Dehydration is a possibility to throw into the mix. But speaking for myself, I just cann't think of any real reason that I need to chance aspartame diet products anyway. I'm trying to weed out some food additives, sugar and such from my diet at the moment, and take my nutritional supplements including high doses of enzymes. And it does seem to be making good changes in my well being. My hearing and awareness seem to be sharper. I've noticed recently that I'm hearing more words in my music. I think the supplements may have something to do with flushing toxins from my body. Make no mistake about it, food additives can be toxins. I can be a bit of a rebel, but it really does seem to be worth the effort to take care of my body. I mean once you feel "really good," it's hard to justify shoveling garbage in your body.



posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Zabilgy just can't admit that there may be some serious problems with Aspartame even with all the evidence presented on this thread. I find that amusing and sad.

I did admit that there may be something wrong with Asparame, I just dissagree with banning the product. I find the fact that you overlook what you choose to in order to try and make someone look bad (or make yourself feel better?) "amusing and sad. If I want to hurt myself with poisons (or yet to be scientificly proven to be poison sweetners) that is none of your concern. Dont trust it? dont drink it! Like I said, stay out of my kitchen liberties, and I will stay out of yours.

I notice you didnt have anything to say about the argument that there are much worse foods out there, and if want to start banning foods you should begin with the ones that are on the top of the cause of death list.

I wonder if you work for Coke or Pepsi or something? Or maybe for the company that makes the poison Nutrasweet.

Nope, just someone who doesnt take kindly to people like you trying to regulate what I put in body.

But sure's just the Caffeine, not the poisons!! Ya, okay!
You go ask any doctor and they will tell you that with the limited info provided (headaches, side pains and lots of non-water drinks) it sounds like dehrydration.

BTW, I already asked you to stop calling me cavescout. Can you read OK? There is no 'e'.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:35 AM
My personal experience with this stuff is that I gain wait and find it extreemly difficult to lose weight while drinking diet soda made with this stuff. When I decide I need to drop the pounds the first thing I stop is drinks with this stuff in it.

I really do believe from personal experience that it stops your body from using its own stores of fat and causes you to be even hungrier once the body figures out it was robbed of calories.

I have lost 2-5 pounds in 3 weeks by doing nothing other than eliminating this product from my diet. I have no reason to lie. I have tested this on myself over at least 7 years now off and on and it is reproducible at least in me.

If your having difficulty losing weight on normal diet and exercise and you are consuming this product in mass quantity like i do, then try quiting it for 3 weeks and watch your weight and see if it helps. It cant hurt to try.

I find my appetite is enchanced when drinking this stuff. WHen I quit it and get it out of my system I do not feel hungry all the time.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Nope, just someone who doesnt take kindly to people like you trying to regulate what I put in body.

Scout...not trying to regulate what you put in your body. You can put whatever you want in it. Just presenting information on a product that was a known poison, known by the FDA and not approved by them until the head of the FDA was fired by Reagan and then magically the new head of the FDA approved it back in 1980. And, said poison has now been on the market for 25 years even though it is known to be poisonous.

I just used this thread to get the info out. You do with it whatever you want.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 10:57 PM
Scout, completely up to you if you want to drink it. You could still be a friend of mine, cool. I've got friends who smoke, and whatever, that's up to them. Now that doesn't mean I won't try to sway them sometimes.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:28 AM

I notice you didnt have anything to say about the argument that there are much worse foods out there, and if want to start banning foods you should begin with the ones that are on the top of the cause of death list.

Scout...this thread happens to be about Aspartame. So that's what we are discussing here. If you feel there are worse things to worry about, then feel free to open a thread on it.

Yes, there are worse things out there. Like, toxic waste. I wouldn't consume any of that. Acetone: definitely woldn't consume any of that, etc.

What consumables are you eluding to in regards to being worse than Aspartame?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 10:08 AM

What consumables are you eluding to in regards to being worse than Aspartame?

Scout...I'm still curious what consumables you feel are worse than Aspartame. I am always interested in what I put in my body!!

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:28 PM
Rumsfeld - Mr Aspartame

Aspartame approval:

"Rumsfeld was president of Serle corporation in 1977, maker of aspartame, then, part of Reagan transition team, and got aspartame 'legalized' by appointing a defense department contractor [??] (Hayes) as head of FDA!
In January 1981 Rumsfeld told a sales meeting, according to one attendee, that he would call in his chips and get aspartame approved by the end of the year. On January 25th, the day the new president took office, the previous FDA commissioner's authority was suspended, and the next month, the commissioner's job went to Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes.
Transition records do not show why the administration chose ***Hayes, a professor and Defense Department contract researcher.*** In July Hayes, defying FDA advisors, approved aspartame for dry foods -- his first major decision. In November 1983 the FDA approved aspartame for soft drinks -- Hayes' last decision. In November 1983 Hayes, under fire for accepting corporate gifts, left the agency and went to Searle's public-relations firm as senior medical advisor. Later Searle lawyer Robert Shapiro named aspartame NutraSweet. Monsanto purchased Searle. Rumsfeld received a $12 million bonus. Shapiro is now Monsanto president. .....Former White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld owed a debt of gratitude to former White House confidante and Rumsfeld friend Donald Kendal, Pepsi's chairman. The Pepsi announcement and aggressive marketing (millions of gumballs, a red and white swirl, tough contracts) made NutraSweet known in every home. ....From 1985 to 1995, researchers did about 400 aspartame studies. They were divided almost evenly between those that gave assurances and those that raised questions about the sweetener. Most instructively, Searle paid for 100% of those finding no problem. All studies paid for by non-industry sources raised questions."---James S. Turner

"Prior to the approval of aspartame, the FDA sent two specialized teams to G.D. Searle and found a ghastly 95% level of misdirected testing; concealed tests, collusion between corporate and their company-funded research; inappropriate antemortum issues; withholding of material facts; alterations of records: lying to investigators, lost records, no records; falsification of reports, bribery, poor test methodology or al."-------Former FDA Investigator Exposes Aspartame As Deadly Neurotoxin

"Dr. Michael Friedman, acting Commissioner of the FDA, defended Monsanto on 60 Minutes. Yet, it was the FDA themselves who refused to approve aspartame for sixteen years because of the brain tumor issue. Their own toxicologist, the late Dr. Adrian Gross, had told Congress that aspartame—because it triggers brain tumors—violates the Delaney Amendment that makes it illegal to allow any residues of cancer-causing chemicals in foods. In concluding testimony Gross asked, "Given the [cancer-causing potential of aspartame] how would the FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame as constituting an allowable daily intake or 'safe' level of it? Is that position in effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?"------by Betty Martini ([email protected]) - May 14, 200

Rumsfeld's conflict of interest and ASPARTAME
[April 2003] Former FDA Investigator Exposes Aspartame As Deadly Neurotoxin

Rumsfeld and the horseshoe crab that could save your life

[media May 2003] The two faces of Rumsfeld

CIA director Stansfield Turner. The suit stated that the State Department and CIA conspired to "enhance the economic and political powers of James Warren Jones," conducting "mind control and drug experimentation" there. The suit was dismissed four months later for "failure to prosecute timely," and all requests for appeal were denied. (Turner would become a director of Monsanto, now best known for providing the world with the brain-damaging, cancer causing poison bearing the innocuous moniker "NutraSweet".) source

Originally posted by Zabilgy

What mega-corporation produces this poinson? MONSANTO!! And how much money did they need to pay off the FDA to get this poison approved? Plus, when mixed mith nitrates, which are in products such as bacon, cold cuts, sausage, and other porcessed foods, it becomes many times more toxic!

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 03:39 PM
I first heard of the dangers of Aspartame when I was but a kid. There was a notorious case of a high school student who sued the makers because she alledged that it ruined her life! She was a peppy honour roller cheer leader type who was slightly addicted to sodas. They were probably away to keep her 'bubbly'.

She started on the Diet TAB, and worked her way up to about 30 tins of the stuff a day. During the course of the years, she put on all kinds of weight, and her grades seriously slipped. She claimed that the Aspartame screwed up her metabolism, and threw her brain chemistry off.

The thing is, even the makers warn against letting small children drink more than 2 tins of diet soda a day!

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Agent Orange]

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Agent Orange]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 04:18 PM
I can't believe nobody brought up RUMSFELD until 4 pages down as the reason for aspartame along many other dumbifying agents on the market along with heads in the government that profit from it. Talk about private interests vs public safety.

[edit on 17-3-2005 by psilocin]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Agent Orange
I first heard of the dangers of Aspartame when I was but a kid. There was ....She started on the Diet TAB, and worked her way up to about 30 tins of the stuff a day..... She claimed that the Aspartame screwed up her metabolism, and threw her brain chemistry off.

Not to dismiss the relevance of this particular post, but Tab, I believe, is sweetened with Saccharin, not aspartame.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by mattison0922

Originally posted by Agent Orange
I first heard of the dangers of Aspartame when I was but a kid. There was ....She started on the Diet TAB, and worked her way up to about 30 tins of the stuff a day..... She claimed that the Aspartame screwed up her metabolism, and threw her brain chemistry off.

Not to dismiss the relevance of this particular post, but Tab, I believe, is sweetened with Saccharin, not aspartame.

I may have gotten a detail wrong. The news article was about Aspertame.

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