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When Will We Know The Long War On Terror Is Over

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posted on May, 29 2017 @ 10:51 PM
According to Nostradamus the war on terror / terror war will last until 2028. (27 years from 911)

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: pirhanna

Nostradamus spelled Hitler wrong.

Can we really trust him with the war on terror?

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:01 PM
Where have all the dollars gone ?
Gone to terrorist, every one.
When will they ever learn ?
When will they ever learn.....................

edit on 29-5-2017 by flatbush71 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:02 PM
When US presidents stop kneeling down to Saudi King

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: pirhanna
According to Nostradamus the war on terror / terror war will last until 2028. (27 years from 911)

Then what happens?

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

The "War on Terror" is simply the moniker we have to assign in order to justify why we are there. We are there for one reason only. To protect and control the flow of the spice. Oil.

That's it.

But let's not forget that the Middle East is not our only theater of operation. Last year alone we ran special operations missions in over 120 countries.

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: dfnj2015

When Will We Know The Long War On Terror Is Over?

The War On Terror is NOT designed to be over. The War On Terror is designed to be a perpetual war in order to financially enrich and further geopolitical agendas by those who fund, arm, and support terrorism. The architects of terrorism are primarily the US/ Gulf States/ UK/ FR/ Israel/ Turkey/ and Jordan.

What we are doing in the ME makes absolutely no sense to me. Arabs have been killing Arabs for thousands of years. The US has been dropping bombs for 16 years now. It's estimated 2,000,000 Arabs have been killed or have died since 9/11. The US dropped 23,000 bombs in 2015. The US dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016.

The War on Terror was also never designed to bring peace, democracy and prosperity to the Middle East. Nor was it designed to prevent further attacks in the west. The War On Terror is a propaganda campaign used to deceive less discerning minds about true geopolitical agendas.

By what measure to we judge success or failure with the war on terror? Please, only honest sincere answers. How will we know????

Again—the so called "War On Terror" was never intended to stop terrorism, so to ask how to measure if it is succeeding or failing is to miss the point entirely.

When the US/Nato/Gulf States/Israel/Turkey/Jordan end their proxy wars for their continuous quest of global hegemony in the Middle East, and stop arming terrorist/jihadis, only then will the War On Terror end.

Btw, there are different ethnicities residing in the Middle East—not just "Arabs".

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:47 PM
The War on Terror is something which cannot be won. It is a war on an ideology and tactics. This is the reason why Obama tried distancing the US from the term 'War on Terror' during his tenure as President. It's something which will never be resolved, let alone won.

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
When Will We Know The Long War On Terror Is Over?

What we are doing in the ME makes absolutely no sense to me. Arabs have been killing Arabs for thousands of years. The US has been dropping bombs for 16 years now. It's estimated 2,000,000 Arabs have been killed or have died since 9/11. The US dropped 23,000 bombs in 2015. The US dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016.

By what measure to we judge success or failure with the war on terror? Please, only honest sincere answers. How will we know????

We will know when everyone everywhere looks the same, speaks the same language and worships the same god: Coca Cola.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 12:07 AM
When will it be over? When a boot heel is planted firmly on the neck of every person worldwide.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
When Will We Know The Long War On Terror Is Over?

What we are doing in the ME makes absolutely no sense to me. Arabs have been killing Arabs for thousands of years. The US has been dropping bombs for 16 years now. It's estimated 2,000,000 Arabs have been killed or have died since 9/11. The US dropped 23,000 bombs in 2015. The US dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016.

By what measure to we judge success or failure with the war on terror? Please, only honest sincere answers. How will we know????

You may recall that no success indicators have ever been announced for when the war on terror was won, no criteria has ever been set. If it has not been won by now, then how could it be that the greatest military force the world has ever seen and the greatest intelligence force the world has ever seen, could and has; failed to defeat a far inferior force in terms of firepower, organisation, resources and intelligence.

This is significant because it tell us that should the people of the US decide that the people need to take control of the government and of the nation, then a small number of people, with a small number of guns and a small amount of resources should be able to do it because the US govt has failed to defeat similar forces overseas. in fact they seem to have established a provable record that they haven't

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: dfnj2015

The real questions you should be asking is how bad? how depraved? how utterly absurd and inhuman things are going to get, because it is never going to go away.

It seems to me that the war on terror is not being won because the US and its allies seem in capable of doing so. This is significant because it tell us that should the people of the US decide that the people need to take control of the government and of the nation, then a small number of people, with a small number of guns and a small amount of resources, should be able to do it because the US govt has failed to defeat similar minute forces overseas. in fact they seem to have established a provable record that they can't and haven't

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: dfnj2015
When Will We Know The Long War On Terror Is Over?

Have you not heard, did you not read?

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

And we will always be at war with Eastasia.

You need to read the book again (assuming you've read it the first time).

originally posted by: dfnj2015
What we are doing in the ME makes absolutely no sense to me. Arabs have been killing Arabs for thousands of years. The US has been dropping bombs for 16 years now. It's estimated 2,000,000 Arabs have been killed or have died since 9/11. The US dropped 23,000 bombs in 2015. The US dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016.

By what measure to we judge success or failure with the war on terror? Please, only honest sincere answers. How will we know????

Asking questions is almost as bad as thinking for yourself. Be very careful.

The mere basic fact of how much ordinance has been used and how long the wars on terror have been going on would appear to show one thing and that is that should the people of the US decide they need to take control of the government and of the nation again, then a small number of people, with a small number of guns and a small amount of resources, should be able to do it because the US govt has failed to defeat similar minute forces overseas. In fact they seem to have established a provable record that they can't and haven't defeated terror organsiations.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: dfnj2015

I think they judge success in tax dollars syphoned off and guaranteeing access to oil..

When will it be over???


They are presently making more terrorists than they are killing so.....

When does that end??

Every civilian casualty and prob a quarter of the terrorists killed in the conflicts has created a handful of terrorists..

Mom , dad, brother, uncle , God parent...

Or whatever other mix of , I'm guessing 4 people who loved the victim enough to risk their own lives to take action...

So unless we are killing about 6/1 terrorists to civilians we are losing ground...

So unless we are going genocide, I got nuthin...

What you have said shows us that it seems to me that the war on terror is not being won because the US and its allies seem in capable of winning it. This is significant because it tell us that should the people of the US decide that they need to take control of the government and of the nation, then a small number of people, with a small number of guns and a small amount of resources, should be able to do it because the US govt has failed to defeat similar minute forces overseas. In fact they seem to have established a provable record that they can't and haven't.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:34 AM
I have a feeling that our world was once inhabited by people who did get along very wel. But as long as we have the concept of money and religion to divide us, I fear for the future of mankind. As long as egoism rules, it will go on untill there is but one man left standing...

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
It will never be over.

It's not supposed to end.

Perpetual warfare to perpetuate the military-industrial complex.

Islamic Terrorism might end but they'll be another form, maybe the Communists will make a big resurgence. After them another enemy, then another enemy, and so on ad infinitum.

Not to mention that many of the terrorist organisations the West are at war with are directly supported by the Intelligence forces of those countries.

It's the greatest scam ever perpetrated in human history.

Nope, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the IRS and social security beat this by a long shot.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

When there is no more money being spent through Saudi Arabia or Qatar, for a start!

When the money dries up, when it is made illegal for anyone, governments, private industry or anyone else, to actually make a profit from war, then it will cease. Until we accept that the way we run our governments and our foreign policy is just unworkable and immoral in that regard, we will never have any peace.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 05:53 AM
When people wake up and realize their religions are being used by war hawks and corporations to control the masses. Jews, Christians, Muslims, your religions are no longer a benefit to mankind.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

That is like saying that because some people start house fires, fire itself is a bad idea.

It is not true to say that religion has no use, but like anything that could be misused, this is inaccurate. It is, however, fair to say that like anything that could be misused, there are certain things one may NOT use a religious platform to do, and all of them are political. All those who allow their beliefs to turn them against their fellow men in violence, have abandoned themselves to madness, and their behaviour cannot be treated as a benchmark for the worthiness of a belief system.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

If like minded people want to sacrifice chickens at home to gods, fine. It's when they get organized and want everyone else to sacrifice chickens in their mega churches.

How many different religious tribes are there in the ME, all with different ideas and laws of how to make people live? How will peace ever come from that, without a common set of laws like the constitution. Never in the ME.

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