My own experience is all I have to relate to this question. My marriage is on it's last gasp. She asked me to leave 6 months ago, saying she didn't
want to be married anymore. So, I left, utterly shellshocked and unable to really react differently. I don't feel like I can force someone to do
something they don't want to do. Yes I know, a lot of things wrong with that but still, I was hurt beyond my own ability to express.
Well I've had a lot of time on my hands of late since separation and I tend to introspection... Things always look different from a distance right?
20/20 and all that...but when you're knee deep in it it's different isn't it?
Sooooo, I had the best of intentions and would've stuck it out unto death. Things were deteriorating, had been for a couple of years, but I had no
idea how to address the problems. I knew what was driving me to resent her, what I considered destructive to our relationship, what the points of
irritation were etc... but I literally had no foundation or experience to fall back on.
My father was distant, I don't remember my mother being my mother, my dad left her when I was young. He had similarly distanced himself and
therefor me from all other extended familial relationships and exposure. I married at 33, but had had little experience with real relationships. Girls
wanted marriage but not relationships, and I was self aware enough to know I was not mature enough, ready, or able.
I'm 49 now. The point? I believe the lack of a stable family dynamic to learn from as I grew up handicapped me.. this is not a new idea I believe,
the divorce rate going through the roof, lack of role models, lack of grandparents/uncles/aunts etc to learn from and interact with and learn from.
I've always been good at remembering odds and ends, esoterica, errata, but rarely could apply it to my own benefit. I've always been amazed at
wherever I find myself, an eternal wallflower..spectator to the wonders all around. But I could never understand the motivations of a woman. I speak
plainly, utterly honestly, and find my wife still cannot believe that everything I've ever uttered doesn't have some hidden meaning, objective or
agenda, despite repeating it endlessly for 15 years..
Who's fault? I'll take the heat here, in failing to respond in meaningful ways to head off problems I was responsible. Just because I didn't know
how to respond or head off impending problems is moot. I erred on the side of caution and treading lightly, trusting that time and patience overcome
all. How silly of me. I should have gone to the artificial family, the adviser, the counselor/therapist..
I love her. But she'll likely be the only wife I'll ever take. Her rejection of me and her failure to afford me the same trust and confidence and
patience I clung to - have "wounded me to the quick" as has been said by others more eloquent then I.
I won't do it again because I can't afford to suffer the trauma again. God willing I'll heal, grow, and someday try again. Maybe.
But I believe this is not a unique experience, is it harder for so many to Love and be happily married because so many have a similar handicap?
I failed to do things that are in retrospect simple and necessary and commonsense. But in the moment - the noise created by stresses and problems
and grievances blinded me to the possible solutions. This is my first marriage, my first time trying to be a father, my first time trying to be human
that I can remember anyway
, my first time adulting... and I must've lost the manual everyone else has because I just don't know what to do most
of the time ... I blew it and I believe that one person can steer things with the right action.
It's hard to recognize so many shortcomings in oneself and not be bitter. But I believe I'm not here to be happy or change the world, learning and
growing are probably it. How can I be here and be so utterly inept if it were otherwise?