.....Blah blah blah blah.
Trump defender.. what do you think of when you read that? Doesn't it sound like some type of soldier to you? Maybe with like a helmet and shield,
maybe a cool sword or something, he can be like a hero and fight bad guys and stuff... No? Maybe I play too much video games. Luckily for me, this has
absolutely nothing to do with my
rant thread.
So I've been thinking lately, am I really a Trump supporter? If so, what are some things about him that I support? Let's start with his character -
other than his great leadership qualities, there aren't many things left to be admired. Who likes a sensitive, egotistical, narcissist that lies all
the time? So I understand the hate (I'll use that term loosely), but I also understand that he is human. Me personally, I wouldn't carry myself the
way he does, but I also won't criticize him for who he is either (for what he does is a different story). Nobody is perfect, so who are we to judge
anyone? And for those that want to argue that he is the President and it does matter, tell me how his character has effected his presidency other than
triggering a bunch of people.
So what about his policies? To be honest, policy and ideology don't mean much to me, I'm more invested in the social and psychological dynamic of
things. His wall? In my opinion, good intentions with a bad approach. His intentions are to stop illegal immigrants and keep America safe, not because
he's a bigot and hates illegal aliens. His "Muslim ban"? First of all it wasn't even a ban, but yet again, good intentions with a bad approach. His
intentions were to keep terrorist's out and keep America safe, not because he's a racist and hates Muslims. I disagree with his stance on
science, I disagree his stance on drugs/crime in general and I would disagree with
anything that forces an ideology on you. For me it's simple, I'm for as much individual freedoms as possible, live and let live, and I'm pretty sure
everyone is the same. And beyond any of these things, I could really care less unless it actually
affects me.
So as you can see, there isn't much to be desired and there isn't much to root for -- except for the one thing that I absolutely do support -- and
that's the possibility that he is genuine. There are only 3 possibilities in my opinion and thats; he is who he says he is, he is part of the same
team (we're screwed regardless), or he's just as dirty as the rest of them and wants to implement his own "regime". Considering there were only 2
options and considering what we know about the sincerity and intentions of the "anti-Trump", how do you not take the chance? What is there to lose? At
this point, the only alternative is to let back into power the same entities that have been ruining not only your lives, but also society in general.
So again, how can you not take the chance? Pretty sure if the "anti-Trump" get what they want, there will never be another chance like this ever
again. So again, why not?
Let me remind everyone that when it comes to this whole Trump dynamic, nobody knows the truth more than the next person, we are all speculating, so if
you claim to know the truth, you are a liar. I think what compelled me to make this thread was because the 'fake outrage' is at an all time high and I
find myself defending Trump a lot. Just stop, you're not really that angry and we all know you just want to fight, yeah I'm talking to everybody. One
thing that I am noticing though, people are finally separating themselves from the extremes and realizing that's it's much more than black and white.
I think that's the point of my thread? I'm just trying to give a rational perspective on this entire situation from someone who isn't emotionally or
politically invested.
Now if anyone can read all of this and still tell me that I'm an idiot and that I am wrong for defending Trump, that I am naive and short-sighted with
my judgement, or that I'm just oblivious to some facts or factors that would otherwise sway me, please do enlighten me, and please, please do not
bring with you any projection or conjecture.
Anyways, I'm saying too much now and I think I've made my point. Don't mind me, just my overly pretentious mouth yapping again. If you've made it this
far, thanks for reading.
blah blah blah blah....
edit on 27-5-2017 by knowledgehunter0986 because: blah blah blah