posted on May, 27 2017 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to:
The people of Syria are some of the strongest that the world has ever seen.
The reality is that they have stood with the government for 6 years of hell funded and orchestrated by Western Powers/Israel/Saudi Arabia/Turkey/Qatar
and others. These countries have hired mercenaries and sent their criminals to slaughter the people of Syria.
Isis and Al Qaeda are the forces being used by psychopathic world "leaders" to manufactures global lies about the horrors that are befallen the
Syrians. Virtually all things they blame on Assad are happening by our "moderate" rebels, up to and including beheading and chemical warfare, not to
get into human trafficking/organ harvesting.
The stories that have been observed after areas are lifted are horrendous on a scale that boggles the mind. People would stop watching horrors movies
if they took the time to read them, it makes one sick with sadness to know what the Syrian population has endured.
Even with all of this the people of Syria understand that it is not the people of the world to blame but our criminally insane leaders that have used
deceit and subterfuge to further their agenda using people as pawns.
People would actual prefer that we go against Russia in assisting the poor souls that have suffered for so long. I honestly have no words or patience
for the continued propaganda that people choose to believe. There is ample evidence of the truth, starting with hundreds of billions of dollars to arm
Saudi Arabi to continue spreading their insane Wahhabism.
edit on America/ChicagoSaturdayAmerica/Chicago05America/Chicago531pmSaturday8 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)