posted on May, 27 2017 @ 08:44 PM
Me and my Darlin' were at a Caribbean bar down tha road, and there was a Soca band playing. Well. "Band" isn't really true. There were two guys --
one a keyboard player, and the other a singer -- and they used backing tracks to great advantage and we got tanked to various Soca tunes.
The week prior to that, we'd renewed our stocks and bought four cases of whiskey, four of rum, and several cartons of cigarettes. Since then, we've
both quit smoking. You know what? Even though the end times didn't occur, we still managed to trade those cartons of smokes for things that had
more value.
We had 6700 gallons of water in two cisterns. Mind, we didn't think that anything would happen, but I've always been an admirer of Clauswitz, and
therefore we were prepared. We had 250 Imperial gallons of petrol stored. We had enough food to sustain the two of us for two years. Still do.