Yesterday I was sitting in the garden with a friend.
Beautiful clear sky. almost two hours before sunset.
Location: Netherlands Time: Around 19:30
Suddenly i saw something in the sky, a clear 'white" dot...
I pointed it out to my friend, and we both wondered what it was. As it was stationary and very high. We ruled out plane, and balloon.
AS an frequent ATS i remembered topic about planets who can be visible at certain dates and times.
I went in to get my binoculars and my phone with a skymap app.
Meanwhile my friend had found 3 more.. in a kind of a almost straight line.
The binoculars did not help much, nice pure white dots. no flickering, almost like tiny moons in briljant sun light.
Then i pointed my phone, expected to see something like Venus or so.. But no planets in sight.
The only thing in the location was Ursa Minor.
And the brightest of them was close where the North star should be according to the app the app
We had all the time in the world, and yes, we tried to take a picture, but it was impossible with either one or our phones. So shoot me ATS, but no
We concluded it must be the line of Ursa Minor, but it still looked very strange.
The brightest was most visible and a sometimes the others were gone.
After half an hour we looked up again.. and we could not fine any star anymore. Still clear blue sky.
That surprised me again, as if it were stars, they should have become more visible at that time..
Anyway we did find it strange and had a few moments of excitement.
Anyone ever seen something familiar?
En of my report.
edit on 27-5-2017 by EartOccupant because: Made a mistake