posted on May, 26 2017 @ 05:20 PM
Black man and black woman, have you often wondered
why the "black man" for hundreds of years, in every
nation has lived and experienced a long line of
discrimination, poverty, crime, imprisonment, and death?
Has the thought never occurred to you that such
experiences may be thefulfillment of Biblical prophesies?
I realize most have never the scriptures outside of what
some man or woman disseminates over a pulpit, but if
you'd study the scriptures in light of the fact that
Biblical prophesy is true today, for a people
scattered, oppressed, and ruined, you'd understand
just who you are.
Most blacks in America are ignorant of their cultural
identity because they've been brain washed through
public education, movies, music and media. Especially
through the mind-numbing tool of television.
Try to step outside of what you hear and see in the
media every day. If you won't, you'll continue to be
deceived like the majority who fail to connect the
dots that the majority of horrific crimes against
humanity are perpetrated, not by lone nuts, but
via a psychopathic luciferian capal bent on
world domination by any means necessary.
More than three dozen scholars have already proven
the facts of who you are, but will you take time to
read and/or research it for yourself?
Young black man and young black woman, allow me to
pique your interest. You've read in your Christian Bibles
that the Children of Israel spent a considerable time in
slavery under the Pharoahs of Egypt.
The reliefs from this era shows a multiple of shirtless
slaves building structures while in servitude.
Do you think these were shirtless white people in
100+ degree weather in slavery for hundreds of years?
There's only one type of people with melanin to fulfill
that portion of your Biblical record.
Dozens of Biblical prophesies prove the truth of your
identity, that you've been scattered, oppressed and ruined.
Turn off your television, then read to learn your true
identity. Just a few works to help you on your journey.
But, do not get angry with those who have usurped your
identity. Just realize your ancestry/posterity are fulfilling
biblical prophesy, and simply continue to love them,
and pray for them as our Messiah commanded us to.
The Ancient Black Hebrews Vol II: The Forensic Proof
Simply Explained
by Gert Muller
From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient
Black Races Including the Black Hebrews
Ronald Dalton Jr.
The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites
(Jews: the Worlds Best Kept Secret) by Ella J Hughley
Ronald Dalton Jr.