a reply to:
I would have to disagree with what you think to be "correctly" associating with evil. This reality is relative and so to say that what you believe to
be evil, is what I believe to be evil, is ignorant and proves the point I was trying to make. Please don't take that negatively though, because I mean
it very matter-of-factly, not as some indictment.
Now where we DO agree is that we are all one, however because of our severe lack of mental and emotional perception (even these terms are limited in
their expression of our revelation), the self has manifested as "all that is I" for us. This process, like a child crawling before walking, is
necessary and must be explored in order to understand "all that is". To know "I" is to know "all" because we came from the same source - our meeting
is inevitable along this process.
Now before anyone takes my words out of context, obviously I abhor the idea of murdering anyone, but it is not evil. I will not engage myself in hate,
because I refuse to be hate. I will state what I am and what I am not - and fail at this a lot - and understand the process to exist so that I may be
who I am, in reference to what I am not. At some point, I hope humanity can decide that it no longer needs this rampant depravity in order to
experience that this isn't who it is.
Our grievous mistake in judging what is "good" and what is "bad" is again, disassociation. The world is the way it is because we've created it so. We
need to take responsibility, stop labeling things, and see all as a part of who we are or who we are not. Once we accept this responsibility, it
becomes much easier to DO something about it, instead of standing on our high horses labeling people as "good" and "bad". If someone is "bad", that's
not their fault, it's my fault - it's our fault.
There is great truth in "be the change you want to see in the world" but no one wants to do anything except exclaim that their ideals or morals are
better than someone else's. To go even further, there are no such things as morals or ideals outside of our conception about them. There is only who
we are and who we are not, what we are and what we are not - individually and collectively. This understanding permeates to the core of all humanity
and thus we birth ideas of who we should be and what we could be; thus "good", "bad", "right", and "wrong". Let's stop thinking about it and BE IT.
Let's be who we are, not what we could be or should be